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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

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Holden watched Sadie cradle Adele, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He could sense something was amiss from the way they were both behaving. He turned over what Adele had just said in his mind, fathoming what she could have meant.

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Suddenly, he becaware that Adele was crying and calling him. He snapped out of his thoughts. He quickly took Adele to his arms and comforted her cries. Then, he turned to Sadie and said, “I'll take her upstairs to wash up.” Sadie didn’t dare to object.

With Adele snuggled in his arms, sniffling occasionally, Holden carried her upstairs to clean her up. While washing, he squatted down and asked gently, “Adele, how much cake did you eat just now?” Adele kept her head down and remained silent, twiddling her tiny fingers. Holden tried again softly and gently.

“Before Daddy chome, did Mommy give you a lot to eat? Is that why you didn’t want to eat?” Adele was still clammed up, her expression passive as she played with the buttons on her shirt as if she had blocked out the world.

Holden continued to try and persuade her to speak as gently as he could, but Adele remained unresponsive.

Eventually, after trying all the ways he could think of, Holden sighed in resignation and decided to stop. He gently wiped Adele’s face, washed his hands, and was about to help her dry hers when Adele suddenly mumbled, “Love Mommy, or Daddy will go.” Though the sentences appeared somewhat disjointed and Adele’s voice barely reached Holden's ears, it caused Holden's heart to skip a beat, prompting him to kneel before her and inquire, “Adele, what did you just say? Can you repeat it for Daddy?” At this moment, Adele fell silent once more. Despite AE 1 persistent inquiries, she refused to speak, merely extending her arms and insisting, “Down, down.” Reluctantly, Holden understood that “down” implied a trip to the study. He carried her downstairs.

Upon entering the study, Adele wriggled free from Holden's embrace and toddled to the desk to retrieve his phone. Her wide, expectant eyes glistened with anticipation, fixed unblinkingly on Holden.

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Without hesitation, she proffered the device to him.

Holden found himself unable to resist that beseeching gaze. He crouched down, his fingers tenderly grazing Adele's tousled hair, as he gently inquired, “Adele, do you wish to make a phone call to someone?” Adele bowed her head, her response a hushed silence, her tiny fingers tracing patterns across the screen.

With unwavering patience, Holden waited. In time, Adele nodded, her voice a soft murmur.

“Call.” “And who would you like to call, Adele?” Holden asked, his tone imbued with tenderness.