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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1193
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She couldn't help but lash out, “Shut your mouth!” In that instant, Zayden leaned in, their breaths mingling as his face drew nearer to hers.

Sadie was taken aback.

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Zayden's lips curved into a knowing smile as he whispered, his voice laden with seduction.

“Since you only seek wealth and prestige, | can offer you that, too. | am no less than Holden.” Sadie’s gaze remained ensnared by Zayden'’s features, captivated by his charm.

While a hint of resemblance to Holden lingered in Zayden'’s features, he exuded an air of mischief, the aura of a wealthy playboy. His deep-set eyes and strong nose bridge only heightened his allure as a captivating flirt.

The car fell into an eerie silence, the only sounds their synchronized breaths. Sadie could feel his breath tantalizingly close, a palpable tension in the air.

Angela’s Library Her gaze locked with Zayden'’s, their eyes entangled in a lingering connection.

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Licking her lips, Sadie seemed nervous, poised for a kiss from Zayden.

Just as Sadie prepared for the kiss, Zayden abruptly withdrew, increasing the space between them. Then, he chuckled.

Sadie paused, then saw Zayden'’s playful smirk. Her face turned a shade of crimson.

“You think this is funny?” Zayden put on a face of innocence. [x] “I didn’t do anything. You might be overthinking things.” Sadie’s heart raced. She had been caught off guard by Zayden’s charm, even if just for a second.

Upset, she reached for her bag and swung it at him. All this drama because Holden wouldn't be near her! In a huff, Sadie was about to leave the car. But Zayden was quick, pulling her back in no time.

He held her still, his face splitting into a grin.

“Why are you so fiery? | was just joking around. We haven't even started our conversation.” describe yourself in payment description.