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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1187
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For a fleeting moment, Holden cast a backward glance, his attention arrested by the unexpected vision of a woman laboring under the weight of bags in various sizes.

Initially, he remained uncertain if she were beckoning him, but the woman's widened eyes and the incredulous expression etched across her face dispelled any lingering doubt.

Her countenance bore the unmistakable stamp of sheer astonishment.

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Nonetheless, Holden found himself at a loss, unable to recollect any prior acquaintance with this woman.

His brows were knitted in contemplation, poised on the precipice of deciding whether to delve further into this puzzling encounter.

At that precise juncture, Devin, who had been standing beside him, interjected, “Sir, the doctor awaits.” With a nod of acknowledgment, Holden withdrew his gaze, turning to the elevator.

Yet, Judy hastened to bridge the distance between them and urgently called out, “Mr. Anderson! Mr. Anderson! “ One of the vigilant bodyguards swiftly interposed, his tone brimming with stern authority.

ninja “Who do you believe you're addressing? That is none other than Mr. Holden Fredrick, the esteemed head of the illustrious Fredrick lineage. We've encountered our fair share of individuals like you, attempting to feign familial ties.” The bodyguard sneered and thought Judy was extremely crazy for asserting any connection to the prestigious Fredrick family.

Ever since Miss Pierre's arrival at the mansion, accompanied by her child, a procession of individuals had sought to emulate her example. a They materialized unbidden at the Fredrick estate, each accompanied by their offspring, all vociferously demanding that Holden assresponsibility.

The world stretched far and wide, seemingly awash with individuals harboring aspirations of a connection to someone of influence.

As Judy endured the bodyguard’s patronizing words, an ember of fury kindled within her.

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She had known Theodore for countless years, convinced that her understanding of him surpassed all others.

Yet, amidst her inner turmoil, she managed to quell her racing thoughts.

Her tenure within the Anderson family spanned years, and never once had any mention arisen of Theodore harboring a twin sibling.

Furthermore, there existed no rational grounds for any connection between the Andersons and the prestigious Fredrick family.

It defied belief that two unrelated individuals could share such an uncanny resemblance.