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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

After an hour or so, the plane finally landed. Molly replenished her sleep and was more clear-headed.

She took her three babies to get their luggage. Molly’s appearance had changed dramatically since a

few years ago. She carried herself like a top model despite wearing a simple dress, exuding

professionalism with every move she made. She was stunning and cool! The triplets next to her were

endearing and elegant. They had attracted many praises and gazes as they walked over! After they

had taken their luggage, Molly was about to get a cab outside. But Claudia suddenly grabbed her hand

and said softly, “Mommy, I need to use the toilet. It’s quite urgent.” The little girl kept her voice down,

worrying that someone would hear her. She sounded like she was up to something. It was extremely

cute. Molly could not help but smile and say, “Sure, I will bring you there.” Then, she asked her other

children next to her, “Alex, Ben, do you want to go to the restroom?” They shook their heads, telling her

that they did not want to go. “We’ll watch the luggage here. Hurry back, Mommy.” Molly was not worried

that they might get lost. These two would always find their way back no matter how far they went. Even

if they bumped into a kidnapper, the kidnapper might be the one in danger. “Sure, stay put.” Molly

reminded them as usual before she held her daughter’s hand and walked toward the restroom. Alex

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watched them leave. He sat on his small luggage as he looked down and played with his phone. He

had always been interested in electronics and had already mastered hacking. Ben was more active. It

was his first time in his country, so he was curious as he looked around everywhere. Suddenly, he saw

a figure in a wheelchair not far from them. His eyes sparkled as he tugged on his brother’s arm. “Alex,

look! That man…the CEO of Anderson Corporation! He’s the man we’re looking for!” Upon listening,

Alex’s eyes followed Ben’s finger and saw Sean Anderson! The man was sitting upright in the

wheelchair quietly. He had a thin blanket on his lap, and his eyes were extremely cold, his lips pursed.

Even though Sean was in a wheelchair pushed by his assistant, his strong and honorable presence

was unaffected. Behind them were four other bodyguards. They looked incredibly overbearing, so the

passersby did not dare to look at them straight! He was definitely the “daddy” Alex and Ben suspected!

Alex was immediately energized. Before they came to Northfolk, Alex was still thinking of ways to

approach this man whom they assumed to be their “daddy”! After all, he was the most powerful person

in the Anderson family! After he got injured, the Andersons were even more protective of him, so a

normal person could never approach him. Alex did not expect to be so lucky to bump into Sean the first

day they landed! The wheels in Alex’s brain spun fast as he immediately waved to his brother. “Ben,

come here!” He then whispered to Ben, “Do you see that person’s luggage? It’s just like ours. You

should… Then, you…” After some time, Ben patted his chest. “Alright, leave it to me!” said the boy. He

then pulled the big black luggage next to him and scrambled toward Sean’s direction. “Bang!” A loud

noise exploded. A few pieces of luggage crashed into each other and fell onto the ground. Sean was

sitting in the wheelchair, so he had no time to react. Thankfully, his bodyguards and assistant managed

to protect him immediately. Sean frowned and looked at the culprit. All he saw was a small boy about

four to five years old falling next to his feet. The boy was crying in pain, “Ow, it hurts!” The child had red

lips and pearly white teeth, but his face was scrunched up together. He was gasping, and his eyes

turned red as if he was going to cry. Not far away from them was Alex, who was shocked when he saw

his brother falling down. He immediately rushed toward them and helped Ben up as he asked worriedly,

“How are you? Are you injured?” “N-No.” Ben sniffled and said adorably, “I didn’t manage to stop it!”

Alex was amused as he checked on Ben. After confirming that Ben was alright, he looked at Sean and

his men and said sincerely, “Sorry, mister. My brother is rather naughty and accidentally crashed into

you. Are you okay?” Sean was already emotionally unstable, so he had been pulling a long face ever

since they landed. He had not expected this to happen. When his anger started to rise, he saw this

beautiful pair of twins. The boy who came after even genuinely apologized and showed concern about

him. No matter how angry Sean was, he could not bear himself to reproach them anymore! However,

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he still had to tell them, “The airport is crowded. Do you know how dangerous it is to run around so

fast?” Tony recollected himself and disciplined them, “That’s right. You almost bumped into this mister

here. If it wasn’t because you are still little kids, you’d already be pinned on the ground, unable to

move!” The bodyguards around Sean almost made a move too! The brothers understood their mistake

and apologized continuously, “Yes, we guarantee we won’t be cheeky anymore. Please forgive us,

mister!” “It’s fine if you know your mistakes, you can go back now.” Sean responded flatly and ordered

Tony, “Let’s go.” Tony heard him and signaled the bodyguards to take the luggage. Alex was quick and

had also pulled one of the luggage… Sean and his men left very quickly. Ben stood at the same spot

and tip-toed to have a better view. When he saw that the men were nowhere to be seen, he mumbled,

“Is he really our dad? He’s so cold!” “That’s because he still doesn’t know you yet. How warm do you

expect him to be?” Alex responded calmly. Ben pouted, “He should’ve at least had some small talk with

us or given us a hug or something. We’re cute! Besides, don’t they all say that family members have

good chemistry with each other?” Alex found it hilarious as he tapped on Ben’s shoulder, looking like a

tiny adult. “He might not know that we exist… After he knows us, you can ask him for hugs as many as

you want! Let’s head back first, mommy will panic if she doesn’t see us when she gets back.” Ben

nodded and looked out the airport before he dragged his luggage to the spot they were initially waiting

at. Molly had no idea about this incident. She took her three children and went to the hotel as soon as

she got back.