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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22

However, Sean gave in when he considered that Molly was only doing it to treat him. Just as the saying

goes, “out of sight, out of mind,” so Sean closed his eyes shut. Unfortunately, Molly did not allow him to


She was pressing on different areas on his legs as she asked, “Do you feel anything? Do you feel

anything here?”

“No.” Sean’s voice was slightly deep as he was extremely upset. ‘My legs are already crippled!’ Molly’s

endless questions were like a reminder that he was a cripple!

After some time, Molly was still asking Sean continuously, and he answered all her questions truthfully,

which all had the same context: he did not feel anything. Suddenly, a pang of soreness rushed up to him

from his legs. Sean opened his eyes abruptly and said, “That spot just now was sore!” This long-awaited

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feeling was something that he had never experienced before.

A string of laughter echoed. Sean looked in the direction of the voice and realized that it belonged to


She was squatting next to his bed with her hands on his legs. There was a layer of sweat on her

forehead, making her look innocent and lovely. Molly was gratified as she smiled, saying,” That’s great. It

means there’s still hope for your legs.” Sean saw her sincere smile and thankful tone, and it rekindled his


“Dr. May! Are you saying that…” Tony obviously understood what Molly was saying, so he was thrilled as


Molly explained, “I put pressure on the areas on his legs to agitate his legs just now. As long as there’s a

reaction, it indicates that his legs are still treatable. I’m just worried that he won’t feel anything as it has

been a long time since the muscles were active. Anyway, you won’t understand me even if I elaborate.”.

While she was speaking, she took a silver needle from the pouch next to her. Just when she was going

to pin it on Sean, she paused and looked up at him. There was a gentleness in her tone that was almost

unnoticeable when she said, “Close your eyes if you’re afraid of needles.”

She reminded Sean and started the needle technique. She turned her wrists, and her movements were

fast. Molly was brutal and precise when she pinned the needles onto his legs without the slightest


After some time, there were quite a number of needles on Sean’s legs.

Tony was scared as he watched from the side.

That was because Molly’s needles were tremendously long and terrifying! However, his worries lessened

when he saw how well-ordered Molly was.

As for Sean, his eyes were glued onto Molly throughout the whole session. He was not afraid of being

pierced by the needles. To him, being able to feel pain was a good thing! Molly stopped after an hour or

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so. She was also sweating after she was done with the session. After all, she had to really focus when

she punctured Sean with the needles as there could be no mistakes. Besides, Sean’s condition was far

worse than her expectations. She might have to put in a lot of effort to completely treat him, so she had

to plan the entire treatment. However, Molly already had a gist of the whole plan. Tony saw that Molly

was quiet for quite some time, so he asked her carefully, “Dr. May, can my boss’ legs be treated? What’s

his condition? Can he stand up again?”

Molly glanced over at him and said, “I can’t guarantee that he will go back to how he was before. But

from what I’ve seen just now, it’s only possible for him to stand up again. As for his exact condition, we

can only judge after I’m done with the needle technique.”

Tony was exhilarated when he heard Molly.

‘I finally hear some good news. As long as my boss can walk, it doesn’t matter if he can’t go back to his

original shape,’ Tony thought. He had been by Sean’s side for many years, so he witnessed how this

matter had changed Sean entirely. It became Sean’s insecurity, so it was a blessing for it to be erased!

“Dr. May, you’re my boss’s lucky star!”