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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 1763
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Chapter 1763 Chapter 1763 The next morning, Alice came to Sean's villa.

"Mom, you came so early." Sean frowned slightly at her arrival.

Alice gave him a sullen look and said, " came to see my daughter-in-law, can't I?" "You can, of course." Molly walked over with a smile.

Alice beamed and went up to take her hand. "Come with me. I have something to tell you." Molly looked at Sean and said, "You

can go ahead and have breakfast." Then she followed Alice to the living room.

Sean quietly watched them for a while.

Instead of thinking much about it, he only assumed that they had some private matters to discuss.

After he went to the dining room, Alice explained the purpose of her visit that day.

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"After you finish breakfast, accompany me to the temple." "The temple?" Molly was surprised.

"Yes, when you guys were away, I went to the temple to make a wish, hoping that you would return safely." Alice patted her hand. "Now that

you're back, I have to go and fulfill my vow." nT see." Molly understood the situation.

With a smile, she said, "Okay. I'll go with you." Alice smiled with satisfaction.

"Good!" After finishing breakfast, Molly went out with Alice.

The temple was on the other side of the city, about a thirty-minute drive.

She held Alice's arm as they went up the steps.

The monks in the temple recognized Alice and greeted them politely.

When they arrived in the hall, Alice

exchanged a few words with the abbot before kneeling in front of the Buddha.

Molly saw an amulet nearby and had an idea.

After Alice finished fulfilling her vow, she said, "Mom, I want to get an amulet for Sean." Alice smiled. "Good." When she received the amulet, Molly carefully put it in her bag, as if it were a precious treasure.

"you're so thoughtful." Alice praised her.

Molly smiled in reSponse.

After the incident at the base, her biggest wish now was for Sean to be safe and sound.

He was the pillar of this family and the center of her world.

For that aim, she was even willing to believe in superstition.

Sean's safety was all that mattered.

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That night, Sean came home and went upstairs to change his clothes.

Molly followed him up and took out the amulet.

"What's this?" Sean raised his eyebrows.

"An amulet I got for you." An amulet? = p= Ce " 3 Sean was surprised. "Why did you suddenly think of getting this?" "put it on."

Molly handed the amulet to him instead of answering his question.

Sean took it for a look and looked up at her gently.

"1'11 keep it close to my heart." He knew her thoughts even though she didn't express them.

So many things had happened recently, and she just wanted to feel at ease.

Sean took her into his arms, kissed her hair, and whispered in her ear, "You are my amulet. With you by my side, I feel at ease." "you're one sweet talker," Molly muttered, leaning her head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, and biting her lip. "That makes two of

us." Her soft voice fell into his ears.

Sean's heartstrings tugged as he let go of her, and he couldn't resist the urge to kiss her lightly parted lips.