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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 1751
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Chapter 1751 Chapter 1751 The car smoothly pulled into Terahis Grove and stopped outside the villa of the May family.

Molly got out of the car and saw that everything was familiar. Having been away from home for so long, she had mixed feelings when she was now home.

She had not informed her family before she came back, hoping to give them a surprise.

"Let's go in." Sean went over and took her hand, walking inside with her.

Now Grandpa Dave and Mr. Anderson

Sr. were playing chess in the living room. With the chess game in its fiercest state, the two seniors both looked serious.

Grandpa Dave was about to put down his piece when he caught a glimpse ofa figure from the corner of his eye, and subconsciously looked up.

Seeing Molly's smiling face, he was stunned.

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"What are you thinking? Put it down!" Mr. Anderson Sr. urged, having no idea what happened.

But a familiar voice sounded behind his back.

"Grandpa, you don't recognize me?" "Oh, Molly!"

Coming back to his senses, Grandpa Dave excitedly dropped his chess piece, rose, ran to Molly, and hugged her.

"Yes, it's me." Molly also hugged him, her eyes moist.

Mr. Anderson Sr. also came over and looked at her, his eyes finally falling on his grandson Sean. He hummed with folded arms, "Back home finally?" Sean smiled.

"You two are finally back." Grandpa Dave let go of Molly and wiped away the tears in his eyes.

He had recently been really worried, afraid they would run into something dangerous and never return.

Now, seeing them standing safe and sound in front of him, he was finally


The noise in the living room traveled to the second floor.

"] seemed to hear mommy's voice." Alex looked at his brother and sister.

Ben exchanged eye contact with Claudia, blinked at her, and said, "I heard it, too." "Daddy and mommy are definitely back." Claudia dropped her toy and ran out.

Alex and Ben immediately followed up.

"Daddy, mommy!" As soon as they saw the familiar figures in the living room, the three

kids rushed down excitedly.

"Slow down!" Molly shouted, squatted down, and opened her arms, holding the three kids coming one after another.

With the familiar milk smell slipping into her nostrils, she held them tightly.

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"Mommy, we missed you so much!" The three kids began telling her about their longing for her, almost at the same time.

Feeling sorry and guilty, Molly kissed their cheeks respectively. "Mommy also missed you." Sean watched them, his eyes so soft.

"They nagged about you two every day.

I was so annoyed," Grandpa Dave joked with a smile.

""Great-grandpa, you also nagged every day, didn't you?" Claudia asked childishly.

Grandpa Dave immediately put on a straight face. "How come you exposed my secret like this?" Everyone then laughed.

"It's Molly. She's back!" Hearing Lesley's excited voice, Molly let go of the kids, rose, and looked over.

Seeing Mr. Ballard, Logan, and Lesley walking over, she beamed, "Yes, we're back." Mr. Ballard contemplated her gently.

"Welcome home." "Madam!" &» Someone suddenly rushed to her.

It was Merak! She held Molly tightly. "Madam, you're finally back!" She sobbed in excitement.

Learning that something was wrong, Molly, who didn't know what to do, looked at Logan and his lot, asking with her eyes what was going on.