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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 1746
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Chapter 1746 Chapter 1746 Molly shook her head, showing she had not suffered.

Except for the early period on the island, when she had been threatened by Eaton, she had been with Sean the rest of the time.

How could she have suffered when he was around? Knowing nothing about her thoughts, Sean simply decided he would work harder to protect her and their children.

They snuggled for a while, and went back to the cabin because the wind was too strong.

Molly finally had a sound sleep that night.

As for Selon, he was still watching Alkaid in the room.

After recuperating for two days, Alkaid looked much better now.

Although she had not woken up, her condition was basically stable.

Deep at night, Selon, lying on the edge of the bed, fell asleep unconsciously, but he still held Alkaid's hand tightly in his big, thick palm.

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At about 3. a.m., Alkaid suddenly woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she didn't know what day it was today, her mind blank and dazed.

She stared at the ceiling in a daze for a

long time. Gradually, she remembered what had happened earlier.

In the base, she had been fighting the undercover agent of the Union and cut off the fuse of the bomb before she fainted.

She was not dead. It looked like... she made it? Where was she? Alkaid blinked, going to look around.

But as she moved, she felt warmth coming from her fingertips.

She was stunned and subconsciously turned to look.

She saw a man's slightly feminine but handsome face.

He was not in a sound sleep. Even if his eyes were closed, his brows were slightly knitted. He was thinner, the — stubble on his chin unshaven. In a | word, he looked haggard and embarrassed.

Alkaid became entranced while watching him. Only after a while did she come back to earth and smile.

She had generally guessed why the man had become like this.

In order to watch her, he had not been having a good sleep.

He would rather lie uncomfortably than sleep on the sofa next to him.

"Idiot..." Alkaid muttered unconsciously.

As she spoke, she withdrew her hand

| with care, hoping to touch his face.

But the moment she moved, her ho wounds were affected.

Immediately, she felt excruciating pain going through her body and gasped.

Selon heard a faint noise and naturally woke up.

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When his eyes suddenly met Alkaid's, he didn't realize what was going on.

He turned stiff, unmoving.

Seeing his daze, Alkaid thought it was interesting, despite her pain.

She smiled at him and said hoarsely, "Dazed?" Hearing her reminder, Selon came

back to his senses.

He was surprised. "You... you are y awake?" a Alkaid nodded but said, "Otherwise, who do you think is talking to you?" As if he didn't believe it, Selon slowly reached out his hand, hoping to touch | Alkaid's face.

| | But when he reached halfway, he didn't dare to continue, afraid this was a dream.

Seeing his gingerly move, Alkaid was amused and felt sorry.

Unable to bear it, she ridiculed, "Our master told me you were unwilling to leave the island because of me. Now, it looks like he must have felt it incorrectly, right? How could one who

likes me have no guts to touch my face? What a coward!" Her ridicule made Selon chuckle.

The two warm hands then reached Alkaid's face.

He caressed her face quite gently.

Suddenly, he leaned close and held her in his arms.

Alkaid was shocked. Before she could say anything, the man said, "You finally... woke up."