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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 1745
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Chapter 1745 Chapter 1745 oo Molly finished her breakfast and went to see Alkaid.

As she entered the ward, she saw Selon sitting beside the bed.

Stepping closer, she noticed the dark circle under his eyes and frowned.

"Selon, you didn't sleep all night, did you?" Selon glanced at her and smiled bitterly. ""Alkaid hasn't woken up. How could I sleep?" "You can't carry on like this." Molly sighed and advised him, "Go take a rest." "I'm fine. Don't worry," Selon replied.

He was afraid that once he left, she would disappear again.

Molly understood his feelings, but he seemed to be in a really bad state. He would fall ill if he continued doing this.

So, she advised him again, "Alkaid will be upset if she wakes up and sees you like this. You should at least go eat something and wash up." Selon touched his face and hesitated for a moment. "Okay, I'll go wash my face." Molly was right. He had to face Alkaid in his best condition, or else this girl would be distressed to see his unkempt appearance once she woke up.

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After Selon went out, Molly took the

opportunity to check Alkaid's physical condition.

Her vital signs were all normal. = But why hadn't she woken up yet? Molly wrinkled her brow as she looked at the unconscious Alkaid lying on the bed. Concern was etched on her face.

She wondered if the lack of rest was the cause.

In the next two days, the people of the Grandset left one group after another.

General Hayes' men were also making their final withdrawal.

Before leaving, he came to find Sean to say goodbye.

"Mr. Anderson, we're leaving," General Hayes said.

"Thank you for your help this time," Sean said, extending his hand.

General Hayes shook hands with him and chuckled. "I should be the one to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that the world wouldn't know what the Martial Art Union has done on this island." Sean smiled and made no comments.

"When I return, I will reveal all their evil deeds," General Hayes said.

"Thank you," said Sean.

The two chatted briefly before General Hayes departed with his men.

Now only Sean and his group remained

on the island.

The ship that would transport them away was already docked at the pier, and everyone was busy packing their belongings.

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But Alkaid still showed no signs of awakening.

Selon was worried to no end.

"Her body is functioning normally," Molly reassured him. "Waking up is just a matter of time. Don't worry too much. I won't let anything happen to her." Sean added, "The ship is equipped with medical facilities. We can continue her treatment on board." Selon nodded. "Okay." Soon, everyone boarded the ship.

Molly stepped out of the cabin and onto the deck, gazing at the island where they had spent months. As she recalled everything that had transpired there, she felt a sense of relief wash over her.

They were finally leaving this hellish place.

"Be careful not to catch a cold," Sean said as he draped his jacket over her shoulders.

Molly glanced at him and smiled. "We can finally go home." At her words, Sean's heart fluttered.

He raised his hand to smooth her hair, tousled by the sea breeze. He hummed and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Yeah. We can go home." Molly leaned into his arms, her thoughts turning to her three children and family. She was in high spirits.

"I'm sorry for getting you into this," Sean murmured, dropping a kiss on her forehead.