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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 1744
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Chapter 1744 Gi After hearing this, Sean nodded.

"You've worked hard. Are you tired?" He took Molly's hand and stared at her deeply, feeling complicated.

He didn't know if he should be glad that she didn't leave. After all, Alkaid would die if Molly was not here.

Molly rubbed her sore neck, smiled at him, and said in a soft tone, "I'm really a little tired." Recently, she didn’t have a good rest, and just now, she even operated on Alkaid.

Watching her exhausted face, Sean felt | sad and said, "Let me take you to

rest." However, Molly asked with a frown, "When will we evacuate?" She was afraid that it would affect the evacuation plan if she took a rest.

Sean smiled, "Don't worry. I’m making arrangements. The harmful gas from the base has begun to spread, and sooner or later it will spread to this area, so we have to leave this place as soon as possible." Speaking of the base, Molly sighed, "I didn't expect that they would destroy the base. They really didn’t care about the residents on the island." If Sean hadn't arranged for the residents to evacuate, there would have been numerous deaths and injuries.

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This was the last thing a doctor wanted to see.

"They will pay for what they did." A trace of coldness flashed across Sean’s eyes.

He would not let the Martial Art Union get what they wanted! "Will... Will they come back to kill us?" Molly was worried that those cunning and ruthless guys would attack them again.

"No, they won't. They don't have a chance," Sean's confident tone completely relieved Molly, so she obediently went back with him to have arest.

A few hours ago, on the ship of the

Martial Art Union.

Ward stared at his watch. When the time approached the scheduled time for the bomb explosion, he couldn't help getting excited and said, "Five, four, three, two, one." He looked up in the direction of the island with excitement, but the expected explosion did not come.

"What's going on?" He frowned, thinking that he had misread the time.

At this moment, an explosion sounded suddenly.

Seeing the smoke rising in the direction of the island, he slowly smiled with satisfaction.

In this case, not only the base, but also those people of the Grandset would be

buried on that island, and no one would know it.

Ward evacuated with satisfaction.

On the other side, Selon had been sitting beside Alkaid, who was still comatose in the hospital bed.

Watching her pale face, Selon felt his heart seemed to be gripped by a hand.

If she hadn't been trying to protect him, she wouldn't have been hurt so badly.

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Selon blamed himself so much that he hated himself for leaving her at that time.

He stayed up all night.

Until dawn, Alkaid didn’t show any sign of waking up. If the medical

equipment had not shown that she was still alive, he really would have wondered if she had passed away.

Selon gently wiped her hands with a towel, at this time, Blackrose and some people came in.

Although they were also injured, their injuries were minor.

"Dr. Shepard, how's Alkaid?" Blackrose looked at Alkaid worriedly.

"She's fine. She just hasn't woken up yet." When Selon said this, he continued wiping her hand.

Seeing this, Blackrose smiled and could tell that Selon cared about Alkaid.

"Since she is fine, we are leaving." Blackrose didn't want to disturb him, so she left the room with the others.