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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 1736
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Chapter 1736

Chapter 1736

"You did an excellent job!"

Sean praised Alkaid generously, acknowledging the immense willpower she had displayed in dealing with the


Then the conversation shifted, and he instructed, "Alkaid, hold on a little longer. When you hear the command, cut

the wire first."

Before Alkaid could respond, General Hayes interjected," Mr. Anderson, time is running out."

Alkaid's weak voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"Master, I can hold on a little longer."

Relief and appreciation flickered in Sean's eyes.

She was a worthy member of the Grandset.

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Without hesitation, he gave the order, "Everyone, get ready and listen to my instructions."

"Yes!" came the synchronized response.

Alkaid clutched her chest, trembling and on the verge of fainting.

But she persisted, memories of her time with Selon flashing through her mind.

Only by defusing the bomb could everyone return safely, and she could be reunited with Selon.

This belief fueled her determination, and when Sean shouted "one," she swiftly cut the yellow wire.

The moment it was severed, everyone, including Sean and General Hayes, held their breath.

They awaited the announcement of the outcome, fully aware that cutting the wrong wire would mean their demise.

A bead of sweat rolled down General Hayes' forehead as he swallowed, his heart racing.

He was not the only anxious one. The others were all tense, their palms sweaty.

Sean stared at the changing numbers on the timer, and suddenly, there was a "tick" sound.

Everyone's heart was at their throats.

They thought the bomb was about to explode.

But to their relief, nothing happened.

The "tick" sound came from the timer, freezing at the last three minutes.

"We... We did it!" someone exclaimed, and in an instant, cheers erupted through the walkie-talkie.

A faint smile tugged at the corner of Alkaid's mouth as she heard the jubilant voices. They did it, and she could be

reunited with Selon.


Unable to hold on any longer, she collapsed to the ground.


Sean’s expression turned serious as he heard the sound. In a deep voice, he ordered, "Blackrose, go and get Alkaid

back! n

Blackrose, a skilled martial artist, also heard the thud. She promptly responded, "Don't worry, Master. I'll bring her


With that, she hurried toward Alkaid's location. She was outwardly calm but nervous inside.

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Alkaid had been missing for so many days and must have endured a great deal. And dealing with the mole of the

base should have drained her of energy.

"Mr. Anderson, you are truly exceptional."

General Hayes patted Sean's shoulder and showed a relieved expression.

"When Chester asked me to come and defuse the bomb, I thought it would be a simple task. But it turned out to be

much more complicated, and I was truly stumped."

Sean slightly curled his lips and said, "I owe a great deal to your invaluable assistance, General Hayes."

General Hayes waved his hand modestly. "I can't say I was of much help. If it weren't for your intervention, the

bomb would have surely detonated."

They talked on their way out of the base.

After going through the crisis, even experienced men like them felt weak in their knees.

They looked at each other and both smiled.

In the face of death, who could remain indifferent?

The more one cared, the more natural the fear became.

General Hayes let out a long sigh of relief and remarked," Thank goodness, we didn't cut the wrong wire."