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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13

Sean frowned after Molly left the suite. He felt like her words meant more than what she said. However,

he was not bothered to find out more about it, and he told Tony to follow her back. Tony took his order

and left the suite with the four of them. That was when he noticed that Molly was just staying right next

to them. He saw his boss’s luggage right after he went inside, so he opened it and checked everything

thoroughly. After making sure that everything was fine, he went back to his room with the luggage. He

received a text from the physician not long after he went back to the suite. “There’s a reply from the

physician!” Tony opened the text right away, but there were only two words, “Appointment declined”!

The physician had refused to treat Sean. Tony got very worried at the moment. “What happened?

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Didn’t the physician agree to give us the treatment earlier? Why did the physician back out suddenly?

What an unpredictable person.” He could not help but complain about the physician. Despite being the

best physician ever, this physician did not care about the sick at all and take his reputation seriously!

Sean frowned upon hearing what he said. “I’m sure that there’s a reason the physician backed out. Go

find out what happened.” He wanted to know the reason even though he got rejected! ‘Could it be that

the physician was just messing with me on purpose?’ Sean’s gaze darkened when he thought about

that. ‘Sean Anderson is not someone you can mess with!’ If that was the case, then he would make the

physician pay the price for doing such a thing to him! “Yes!” Tony responded immediately and started

looking into that incident. On the other hand, the unpredictable Molly was sitting at the side of her bed.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and scanned the three little ones in front of her back and

forth. “Stand straight!” The three little ones stood side by side, their faces tensed. “Tell me, what were

you guys up to?” Molly could already guess that the three witlings did everything on purpose. Nothing

was coincidental! The three of them did not dare to admit that they did it because they were in a search

for their father, so they spoke as one, “Mom, we thought that the man looked quite attractive, and we

knew he was your client, so we made everything happen just to let you know more about him in

advance.” Molly snorted and knocked on their tiny heads before she said, “And how did that turn out?!

He thought that we were trying to take advantage of him!” The three of them were a little frustrated as a

listless expression grew on their faces. Molly put on a straight face intentionally and told them, “Don’t

think that I don’t know what you guys are up to. Stop going after people that you think are good-looking

for me to date! I’ll say this solemnly again, I am not going to date anyone! Understand?” “Understood,”

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The three of them responded sluggishly while drooping their tiny heads. Ben could not stop himself

from complaining, “Mommy, you didn’t have to reject his appointment too, right? I know you are angry,

but money is money. We won’t be able to afford to stay here if things go on like this, let alone buy a

house.” After he said that, he covered his mouth with his tiny hand and let out a gasp. He then

continued while acting cute, “Mommy… are you going to make us sleep on the streets? No, Mommy! I

don’t want to be homeless.” Molly struggled to keep a straight face. She chuckled and said, “Things are

not that bad yet. I can never bear to do that to the three of you. We’ll rent a place if we don’t have

enough money. What are you worrying about? We’ll just buy a house after we get more money.” After

she spoke, she really took out her phone and started searching for houses. What?! The three of them

looked at each other helplessly. There was nothing they could do about their mom. She was just a

difficult person to deal with. Alex thought to himself silently. ‘I guess we need to look for more ways to

hook mommy and daddy up!’ After an hour of searching, Molly finally found a house that she was

satisfied with. She called the agent right away and looked at some real photos of that property. She

was very satisfied, so she wired the deposit immediately.