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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 875
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Chapter 875 The LeapCo incident caused such a sensation that Melanie heard quite a bit about it since she still had her social circle. Even when she was reporting to Matthew, he casually mentioned that Eugene's methods were beyond his expectations.

Melanie calmly replied, “He hides it very well.” “He should've waited a little longer until he had completely won over the remaining Gordon and York families before dealing Cedric. It wouldn't have been as troublesas it is now,” Cedric said.

“I guess he couldn't sit still when he saw you being targeted by Cedric.” Ignoring his last remark, Melanie flatly replied, “If there's nothing else, I'll hang up.” Matthew said Eugene was ambitious, but in reality, Matthew was not lacking in ambition either. This foreign project was already something he was doing behind the Qaisa family’s back. What Matthew wanted to achieve was evident to anyone with a brain.

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However, Melanie owed him for before, so her task was simply to do her job well and not meddle in other matters. What was the essential difference between Matthew and Eugene? Eugene's actions had already been exposed. Who would not comment on how ruthless Eugene's intentions were now and how he spared no means to achieve his goals? Who could have imagined that he had planned so much just to take over LeapCo entirely? Of course, Melanie was one of the people included in his plans. No, it was more accurate to say that she had never been part of his plans. She was just a coincidental and dispensable bystander. Otherwise, he would not have abandoned her so decisively.

Looking back now, Melanie realized Eugene had probably been planning for this moment for years, maybe even since he left headquarters or perhaps even earlier. x) Anyway, Eugene had isolated Melanie from his plans. He watched her stumble around blindly in the trap he set.

When he realized that she might affect his other chess pieces, he decisively kicked her out of the gmercilessly.

Melanie stood by the window, looking at the overcast sky outside. She felt relatively calm. In fact, whatever happened to Eugene afterward had nothing to do with her anymore. She did not want to waste any more energy on him.

Chapter 875 Rain was common in northern countries. During her free time, Melanie would stay at haccompanying Meredith as she learned how to walk.

2/2 When Stephen contacted her, it happened to be a rare sunny day, and she was sunbathing with Meredith in the yard. It had been a long tsince she last heard from him. Yvonne said he had been busy with matters in Oskon City.

“Cedric’s case has turned around. He's looking for lawyers everywhere now. If he loses, he'll definitely be sentenced,” Stephen said.

Melanie was momentarily stunned. “Why so sudden?” “It’s not exactly sudden. Eugene did not let up on his side either.” Melanie's breath hitched at that, and Stephen caught it.

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Sighing, he admitted, “Mel, I'm sorry | didn’t tell you earlier. Cedric’s case was difficult to handle, and Eugene approachedprivately. He askednot to tell you. He said he would handle it. At that time, | was busy with matters in Oskon City, so I didn’t tell you.” Stephen had no idea how to explain everything that happened. When Eugene mentioned handling Cedric’s case, he suspected Eugene of trying to cover things up. However, matters in Oskon City kept him occupied later on.

When he saw that Eugene was still investigating the case, he stopped suspecting.

Melanie made a sound of acknowledgment. Although she was surprised, she was not shocked. Moreover, upon a moment's reflection, she could understand that using this against Cedric was actually the best move for Eugene.

At the end of the day, it was for the sake of Eugene’s plan.

However, as long as Cedric got what he deserved, Melanie could care less about the means used.