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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 838
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Chapter 838

Xander sounded like he had just woken up. He asked hoarsely, “Yvonne said that Merry got hurt. How

is she?”

Melanie told him about what happened with Timothy. Xander said, “If he really has acute mania, it's best to stay

away from him. You should leave Jepton immediately once Merry gets better.”

“I have the sidea, but I'm worried about bumping into him in Nava. | was planning on going to Morrington

anyway. I'll leave for Morrington directly from here.”

She had decided earlier that Timothy could not be trifled with. She decided to go into hiding first. There was no

need to go against such a person and cause herself unnecessary trouble.

Xander did not say anything. He sighed after a while. “It’s so difficult to meet up. I'm about to go back, and

you're preparing to leave instead.”

“Are you coming back?” Melanie was surprised. She thought Xander would not be back so early.

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Xander said, “My mother’s condition has stabilized.”

Merry stayed in the hospital for three days. She was finally discharged after confirming that everything was fine

with her.

Yvonne wanted to pick them up, but she could not leave because of work. Melanie wanted to take a taxi on her

own, but Yvonne did not agree to it.

She felt that Merry had gotten hurt because of her and wanted to take full responsibility for it.

Yvonne blasted a message out to her group chat: [I need help picking up a friend who just got discharged from

hospital. I'll be eternally grateful!]

Many of her friends responded to her call for help. They were a bunch of scions who had nothing much on their

plates. Yvonne got the help of a woman she knew and let it be after that.

When she checked her phone again, Yvonne found someone had dropped her a direct message. It was Simon:

[Which friend is this?]

Yvonne had not realized that she had sent the message to all her rich friends in Jepton.

At further thought, Yvonne felt like it should be fine.

Nothing would happen, right?

She decided not to tell Melanie about it. If Melanie found out Yvonne had made another mistake, she

might not cto Yvonne for any help in the future.

The friend Yvonne had gotten to help was a kind-hearted person. She cstraight to the hospital ward to help

Melanie pack.

It was a gloomy day, and lightning flashed in the sky once in a while. It looked like it might rain later.


Chapter 838

Yvonne's friend, Harriet, helped with Melanie's suitcase and walked in the front. She said worriedly, ” Please

don’t rain. I'm scared of driving in the rain.”

Melanie wanted to comfort her and say that she could drive, but she suddenly spotted a figure.

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Eugene was dressed in a black shirt. He was looking down while standing next to his car.

There was a gloomy air about him in this cloudy weather.

He seemed to sense someone staring at him and looked up. He stared back at Melanie with his deep, dark eyes.

Melanie pressed her lips gently. She had not decided if she wanted to go forward when he cdirectly toward


He walked straight to Harriet and said in a low voice, “Givethe suitcase, I'll take them home.”

She was a little surprised. She looked back and forth at Eugene’s and Melanie's faces before saying carefully, “I

don’t think it’s appropriate.”

Yvonne had warned her before coming over that she had to send Melanie personally back to the hotel and not to

let anyone else, especially Eugene and Simon, give Melanie a lift.

Even though Harriet did not know the reason for this, she remembered Yvonne's reminder clearly.

“You're right that this isn’t appropriate,” Melanie said after being silent for a while. “I don’t know him very well.”

Eugene felt his chest tighten when Melanie said that without any emotions. However, he still insisted, “I have

something important to ask you.”