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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 820
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Chapter 820 When Melanie cback, Yvonne was still holding Merry and muttering curses about Simon being crazy.

“What happened?” “Simon and Eugene were here. Simon said Merry is my secret child,” Yvonne complained indignantly. She then informed Melanie, “I didn’t mention whose child Merry is. | just simply think that Simon is being ridiculous.” Melanie took Merry from her arms. “I know. Thank you.” The sudden encounter with Simon and Eugene left them in a sour mood, so they decided to go h with Merry.

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It was Melanie’s first Christmas in Nava, and it was a lively affair. After dinner, Yvonne sat on the couch, browsing her social media feed.

After sconsideration, she edited a few photos of Merry she had taken today and created a nine- grid collage with sphotos of herself before posting it.

Many people liked it, and she belatedly remembered that she forgot to restrict the audience. It was too late to retract it now, though.

In a bar in Nava, Simon was holding a woman in his arms and whispering something to her which elicited a laugh.

Someone nearby commented, “Is that Yvonne's secret child? Cto think of it, they do look alike.” Simon glanced over, and the person immediately placed their phone on the table, pushing it toward Simon. x) On the screen was Yvonne's collage photo. She revealed her secret child. They were wearing clothes of the scolor, and from their expressions, they did look very similar.

Simon sneered disdainfully before looking at Yvonne's selfie again. He then nonchalantly tossed the phone back onto the table. “What a foolish woman.” Another hand with distinct knuckles reached over and took the phone.

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Simon followed the hand and saw Eugene looking at Yvonne's photo with a pensive expression.

An odd feeling welled up in Simon's heart as he asked, “What are you looking at?” Eugene did not answer, but his eyes remained fixed on the screen.

Simon continued, “Eugene, Yvonne isn’t your type. You know how bad her temper is. Also, she’s my blind date candidate.” Chapter 820 7/2 Eugene looked up, his cold gaze landing on Simon's face, “Why are you nervous?” He had simply seen a familiar figure in the corner of Yvonne's selfie. Lowering his gaze, his slender fingers, which were subtly attractive with distinct knuckles, rested on his knees.

His Adam's apple bobbed as he said in a low tone, “I’m not going back to fepton tomorrow.” Their plans were delayed due to the closure of the ski resort, and they originally intended to return to Jepton tomorrow, Simon released the woman in his arms and asked, “Why?” “Something cup unexpectedly. | might have to stay in Nava for a few days,” Eugene replied, Sincomprehensible emotions flitted across his indifferent face under the dim lighting.