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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 804
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Chapter 804 Dreams haunted Melanie in her sleep, and she would wake up suddenly.

She leaned against the headrest of the bed with sweat on her forehead.

Reaching out, she turned on the bedside night light, brightening the ward.

Melanie had initially wanted to get up to read, but the thought of the book being inside the cab made her abandon the idea.

She squinted slightly, glanced at her phone, and noticed it was just past midnight.

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The hospital ward was particularly quiet at night, making the footsteps outside the door noticeable.

She thought it was just a nurse passing by and did not pay much attention.

Half an hour later, the footsteps still lingered at the door. Eugene was standing against the wall, tilting his head and resting it against the wall.

The corridor was quiet, with only the bright light from the nurses’ station in the distance.

He stood in the dark, with his eyelashes drooped. He was lost in thought.

Suddenly, a faint sound and footsteps approached. His fingertips moved slightly, and he subconsciously lowered his gaze toward the direction of the ward door. However, the door remained tightly closed.

“Sir.” A light call sounded. The night shift nurse lowered her voice and asked him, “Are you still awake at this hour because you feel unwell? Eugene looked at her,tand the nurse explained, “If you feel unwell, | can take you to the doctor. You can return to your ward and rest because wandering around like this might disturb other patients’ sleep.” Eugene’s Adam's apple rolled, and he looked toward the direction of the ward door again.

The room, which was lit just moments ago, was completely dark.

He lowered his head. “Sorry.” After saying that, he turned and left.

He wore a long black windbreaker, and although the corridor lights were not bright, he could still see his elongated shadow in the darkness.

The nurse looked at his back, feeling a kind of indescribable melancholy.

In the ward, Melanie lay on the bed. Her night blindness stopped her from seeing anything in this dimly lit environment.

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Chapter 804 Everything around her was quiet, so quiet that she subconsciously breathed lightly, 212 The police ctwice, and Melanie cooperated and provided her evidence.

The last tthe police came, they brought Stella with them.

The bandages on Melanie's hands and head had been removed, but the scars left behind still looked frightening.

Stella, who originally had a condescending expression, hesitated for a moment when she saw the wounds on Melanie's face.

But it was only for a moment.

After a brief pause, she looked meaningfully at Melanie's belly. “Let’s get straight to the point. | cto talk to you to settle this privately. Nyour price.” Melanie, about to be discharged in two days, was enraged when she heard Stella's words. She immediately wanted to retort but was held back by Yvonne, who was there to accompany her.

Melanie looked at Stella calmly and said, “I won't accept a private settlement.” Stella squinted her eyes. “What do you want, then?” Melanie's face was pale, and her once clear and pure eyes showed a hint of sadness.

She looked at Stella and emphasized each word, “I want those who killed my child to receive the punishment they deserve.” Her words were clear, and whoever had just entered the room heard them.

Melanie muttered, “I will never forgive any of you.”,