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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 774
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Chapter 774 Evelyn smiled and was the first to speak, “Melanie, don’t you think we're fated? It's like we meet just about everywhere.” “The main urban area of PrCity is only so big,” Melanie simply replied.

“Well, that's perfect. Since we've run into each other, why don’t we have a meal together? Eugene is also here today, and you used to be his secretary. Maybe you can catch up.” Evelyn emphasized the word ‘secretary’ and glanced at Melanie's stomach when she mentioned catching up.

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For sreason, Melanie felt repulsed by Evelyn. She subtly shifted away, avoiding Evelyn's gaze.

However, Evelyn did not seem to want to let her off. Although her tone was casual, there was also a sense of relentless pressure.

“How many months pregnant are you? Have you found the child's biological father yet? | heard that your pregnancy cquite suddenly,” she said, trailing off at the end deliberately and leaving the rest to the imagination.

Seeing her gloat, Melanie remained composed as she replied, “Miss Shue, have you heard the saying that one could live to be a hundred if they ceased to meddle in others’ affairs?” “You!” Evelyn's expression turned slightly cold. Just as she was about to speak, Peyton stopped her. ” Stop it!” Evelyn glared at Melanie resentfully before turning and leaving. Peyton's face remained expressionless, but she gave Melanie a meaningful look before following Evelyn out.

1 The already narrow corridor beceven tighter after 3 x shoved into Melanie. She stepped aside, and a shadow loomed over her. She looked up to see Eugene.

He stood before her. The weather in PrCity was war enough for him to wear only a shirt.

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Eugene looked particularly good in black, which accentuated the air of pride and nobility about him. Standing in front of Melanie, he exuded a strong sense of pressure. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

Melanie looked up, her features seemingly encased in ice. “You seem to be very concerned about me.” Eugene's expression turned stern, and the darkness in his eyes deepened. “When are you going back to Jepton?” His question was expected. Melanie's attitude immediately turned cold and hard. She looked at Eugene indifferently as she replied, “Eugene, do | need to remind you again? There's nothing between us now. My affairs are none of your concern.” She was about to move away from Eugene, but a food trolley rolled by at that moment. She tried to Chapter 774 push it away, but Eugene did not let her go and even drew her closer. He held her steady in his arms making way for the trolley, At the stime, his low voice sounded in her ear, “I'm just letting, you know that Howard is also in PrCity.

If you don’t want to get tangled up with him again, you'd better return to Jepton.” Melanie was taken aback for a moment, but her brows then knitted together.

Once the trolley passed, she pushed Eugene away with a displeased expression. “I already know Howard is in PrCity, | don’t need you to remind me.” She glanced in the direction Evelyn had just left with a mocking smile on her lips. In a faint voice, she added, “If you don't leave soon, your fiancée is probably going to cover.” Evelyn was standing at a corner not far away, watching them.

Eugene merely lifted his gaze to meet hers as he replied, “She’s not my fiancée.” “There's no need for you to tellif she is or isn’t,” Melanie replied. She did not care about any of this now. As long as Evelyn did not keep showing off in front of her, it did not matter if Evelyn and Eugene were to get married.

Melanie said nothing more and just left. Suddenly, she heard an angry voice call out her name,” Melanie!”