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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 768
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Cazyter 768 Melanie thought for a moment and said, “I do have a nicknfor the child.” She parsed for a moment before replying, “Merry.” Benry was taken aback. “So, you want to have a daughter?” Melanie shook her head. “I'd be happy regardless if it's a boy or a girl.” Thouse mentioned before that she had a friend working at the hospital who could check the baby’s gender in advance. However, Melanie had declined the offer. She liked both boys and girls equally. She did not prefer one gender more than the other.

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The mockam“Merry” was just decided recently. She initially wanted to call the baby ‘Emery’. When she thought about the circumstances under which she had cup with the name, however, she felt it was wamecessary.

bile, somewhere else, Cedric’s face darkened as he stared at Eugene. His gaze was sharp and piercing as if he could see through everything. “Tellthe truth. Is Melanie's child yours?” Engene narrowed his eyes and replied to Cedric’s scrutiny with a heavy tone, “What do you wantto sep? “How impudent!” Cedric slammed the table in front of him. “You're about to get engaged to Evelyn. What are you trying to pull now, Eugene? Are you out of your mind?!” “I've said it before. If you wantto get engaged to Evelyn, you can do it yourself.” Sitting on the couch and looking out at the scenery outside the window, Eugene appeared calm in contrast to Cedric’s outburst *#*What nonsense are you talking about? Things have alr cto this point. Do you think you have the right to refuse?” Cedric sneered.

“Have you not seen the situation at headquarters? You listen to me. If you still want to return to beadquarters and don’t want LeapCo to fall to the Hels, then you have to marry Evelyn! There's no other choice! “As for the child in Melanie's belly, | don’t care if it's yours or not. Just make sure you handle it properly or don’t blme for being ruthless!” Cedric was truly on the verge of a full-blown rage this time. He stormed out and slammed the door.

Eugene looked at the bibe sky outside, his expression growing increasingly solemn. He still had not read the messages from Lee on his phone which were regarding the latest report on LeapCo. The situation was indeed not optimistic.

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There were not more than ten people when all the Burning Star Stupeople got together. They 2/2 decided to rest for two days before going out to have fun since the days following up to New Year's had been more tiring than usual.

As the only one who had not been busy with work during Christmas and New Year's, Melanie found herself bored in the hotel. Since the air in PrCity was good, she decided to take a walk in the nearby Seagull Park.

When she was about to return to the hotel, however, she saw Peyton at the hotel entrance. More precisely, she stumbled upon Peyton embracing a man.

Melanie initially paid no heed at all, but when she was a few steps closer, she saw the man’s profile and froze on the spot.

It was Howard.