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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 767
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Chapter 767 Melanie found Cedric’s vigilance and wariness laughable. What did her pregnancy have to do with them anyway? Evelyn smiled at Melanie meaningfully and then turned to Cedric, Seeing the obvious displeasure on the man’s face, she smiled and said, “Melanie, we're quite fated, no? How about | becyour child's godmother in the future?” Evelyn's voice was mocking and sarcastic. Melanie was well aware that she was intentionally trying to provoke her. Naturally, she had no interest in getting involved with Evelyn.

Before Melanie could respond, Stella's sharp voice cut in, “Evie, what nonsense are you spouting? She can only dream of being at your level, but you're trying to pull her ranking up by force.” Stella’s words were sharp and direct. She did not bother mincing her words. “Why talk about being a godmother? In the future, you and Eugene should givesreal grandchildren. Who knows what's in her belly-" While Melanie could brush off the insults directed at her, hearing Stella talk about her child in such a tone made her frown. “Madam Hel, | hope you mind your words.” Evelyn glanced at her, raising an eyebrow in apparent surprise. Stella sneered. “Mind my words? Are you afraid I'll say something you don’t want to hear? Don’t tellyou resorted to despicable means to get pregnant with Eugene's child with hopes of marrying into our family for a better life? “Melanie, | advise you to give up on that idea. Do you think your child is so important? The likes of you giving birth to a child is of no interest to us!” Stella retorted, her words dripping with sarcasm and disdain.

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Melanie tried to suppress the anger boiling inside her but failed. She looked coldly at Stella. “Madam Hel, if you suffer from delusions, then please seek treatment. My child has nothing to do with Eugene or your family.” Her expression and tone were icy, the coldness in her Bing Stella like a sword. “My child doesn’t need your family’s approval. In fact, if my child were to have a grandmother like you, that would be the beginning of its misfortune.” “You!” Stella never expected Melanie to retaliate with such harsh words. Her face turned pale with anger, but Melanie had no interest in sparing Stella's feelings. She turned around and left.

Just a few steps away, she saw Eugene approaching from the other side. He had his phone in his hand and had probably just gotten off a call.

Her eyes were scathing as she looked at him, her steps pausing slightly as she coolly reminded him, ‘ Mr. Scott, | think your mother may have a serious case of delusions. Perhaps you should take her for a check-up.

Eugene's brows furrowed, his dark eyes meeting hers. However, Melanie acted as if she had not Chapter 787 noticed this and continued on her way.

282 She was infuriated. Perhaps due to the changes to her mindset ever since becoming pregnant, Melanie always instinctively defended her cald. Her expression remained grim on the way back to the hotel.

Reny coughed lightly and tried to comfort her. “Don’t be angry. It’s not good for your body now that you're pregnant.” Melanie gazed at the scenery outside. “I'm not angry,” At first, Melanie was genuinely angry because of Stella's words. No mother would willingly tolerate someone speaking ill of her child. However, after calming down, she felt more regretful about her own lack of strength.

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If she had more power, Stella would not have the audacity to insult her child like that.

Reny could not tell what Melanie was thinking but continued to comfort her. “Those people have always been like that, acting superior and thinking highly of themselves. It's not worth it to compete with them.” Melanie nodded lightly. She knew Reny was trying to comfort her, and there was really no need to let the Scott family affect their vacation plans. After calming herself completely, she thanked Reny.

Reny just waved her hand and cheerfully said, “It's nothing. Just letbe your child’s godmother in the future.

Oh, by the way, have you chosen a nfor the baby?” Suddenly bringing up the topic of names, Melanie paused. Although the baby was already four months old, she had been so busy before that she had not thought about the nyet.

She shook her head. “Not yet.” “Well, how about you think of one now? Even if you haven't decided on a formal name, you should at least give our little one a nickname, right?”