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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 751
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Chapter 751 Melanie had not encountered Simon and his friends for quite stime. Her relationship with Simon had always been bad, so she intended to ignore their presence.

However, Simon stopped her, and Melanie could only look straight at him. He furrowed his brows, giving off an inquisitive look.

With a disdainful scoff, Simon said, “Melanie, why do you look worse than before?” He continued, “How do you plan to defeat Evelyn looking like this?” Melanie had been facing numerous challenges at work, resulting in stress. Despite recent efforts of recuperating, she remained pretty slender.

However, her facial features had always stood out from the crowd. Her weight loss added a touch of delicate beauty. Simon’s comment about her looking unattractive stemmed from his dislike for her, prompting him to say such things deliberately.

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Initially reluctant to get into a conflict with him, Melanie could not help but look at him upon hearing Evelyn's name.

Evelyn was the daughter-in-law candidate favored by Stella. Now that even Simon knew about Evelyn, her relationship with Eugene would soon becpublic.

Lowering her gaze, Melanie's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm.

The matter about Viola had not ended, and Evelyn had already taken her place.

It appeared that both Stella and Cedric were quite anxious.

Simon noticed Melanie's gaze a [x] from behind.

Her raised an eyebrow. He was about to speak when Xander caught up He positioned himself protectively beside Melanie, blocking Simon's line of sight. He whispered, ” Watch your step.

The shop's interior style, designed for uniqueness, had intricately patterned and uneven tiles at the entrance. If careless, missing a step could easily lead to a fall.

Simon's gaze, initially on Melanie, was blocked by Xander. He showed displeasure, and his gaze followed them as they entered.

Joshua hesitated before asking, “Was that Xavier's brother just now?” Simon withdrew his gaze indifferently. “Just a useless guy kicked out by an illegitimate child.” Once Melanie and Xander entered the shop, they saw Liana and Yury anxiously waiting in the private room.

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“What to Upon finally seeing Xander, Liana stood up. you guys so long?” Chapter 751 22 “We were stuck in a traffic jam,” Kander explained.

Liana blinked. “That's the downside of Jepton. Do you want to consider going to Europe with us? There's rarely any traffic there. Everyone rides bicycles.” Cutting to the chase, Xander asked, “Just tell me. Why did you callout for dinner?” “Did you forget it’s Dad's birthday next month?” Liana casually asked. “Why don’t you follow us back? He calledlast night. | can’t go back without you.

Before Xander could respond, Liana continued, “I know what you want to say, but he’s still your biological father, and sof Mom's belongings are still with him. Are you going to let Xavier take everything away?” These words from Liana delved into the private matters of the Solomon family.

Melanie hesitated, considering whether to step aside. However, she was pulled back by Liana. She us.” asked, “What are you afraid of? These aren't secrets. Besides, you have to go with us.

Lifting her eyelids, Melanie asked, “Why should | go?” Liana pondered before saying, “If you don’t go, I'm afraid Xander will never cwith us.

After saying this, she did not explain further. Melanie could only look at Xander, who muttered, “I still have Grandma...” Liana didn’t stay long for dinner. Yury was called back to the hotel to take care of swork. so Liana left with him.

Melanie and Xander said their goodbyes as well. On their way to the villa, they dropped by Blue Inc.

After several months of work, Blue Inc's preparation for the exhibition site finally cto an end. It could be completed by this week. All they needed to do was to get the final payment from LeapCo.