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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 179
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Chapter 179

Melanie chose not to respond to Simon’s words. The car was quite dim, and she found some comfort in

looking out the window.

Simon also fell silent and leaned back in his seat, playing with his phone. He was typing very fast, and

occasionally, Melanie could hear him chuckle carelessly.

He suddenly looked up and casually said to Eugene, “Eugene, you can drop me off at Times Square? I

have something to do.”

Eugene glanced at him through the rearview mirror. “Am I your chauffeur?”

“No, I just happen to have a date with someone,” Simon spoke while opening the voice message from

the internet–famous celebrity he had just arranged to meet.

A sweet voice immediately came from his phone, “Simon, when are you coming?”

It was well–known that Simon loved to play around. Eugene stopped the car at the next intersection

and calmly reminded him, “Don’t cause unnecessary trouble, like what happened with Skylar.”

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“I’m not that careless,” Simon replied before opening the door and getting out.

The cold wind blew the drizzle onto Melanie’s face as soon as the door opened.

She knew who Skylar was. He was another playboy in the circle who loved to date young models.

Recently, one of the internet -famous women he was with got pregnant and caused a big fuss when

she insisted on marrying him.

Skylar was unwilling to marry her, and she ended up jumping off a building. The incident caused a huge

uproar, so Skylar’s family had to force him into marriage.

Melanie looked up. Even in the dim light, Eugene’s profile appeared somewhat indifferent. However,

she quickly averted her gaze.

Melanie heard Viola call out to her and looked at her. She could not actually see her expression clearly

and could only vaguely make out a silhouette. Viola paused before continuing, “Melanie, I have a

question, but I don’t know if I should ask.”

She sounded genuinely troubled and also a little innocent. After a moment’s silence, Melanie replied,

“What is it?”

“Are you in a romantic relationship with Mr. Xander or Mr. Stephen? I’m a bit curious.” Viola turned her

face to look at Melanie.

She added, “I don’t mean anything by it. If you’re not comfortable sharing, just pretend I didn’t ask,


How could Melanie not answer when she already put it that way? If she did not answer, it would look

like she was navigating her unclear relationships between Xander and Stephen.

Chapter 179


Viola’s question had indeed been worded quite sophisticatedly. Melanie’s eyelashes fluttered, and she

replied calmly, “What’s so uncomfortable about it? It just seems unnecessary for me to report to the

company about whether I’m in any romantic relationships. It’s a private matter, after all.”

Her attitude was somewhat firm. Viola forced a smile. “I thought we were friends…”

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“Setting aside our work relationship, I don’t believe we have any other connections.”

With that, the smile on Viola’s face froze as she whispered, “Sorry, Melanie.”

Melanie remained silent, gazing out the window. The light rain continued, and there were not many

vehicles on the road. Melanie initially thought that Eugene would drive back to her residential area.

With the rain pouring down on them, she assumed he would prioritize taking her home considering

Viola was his legitimate girlfriend now.

However, to her surprise, Eugene took a detour and dropped Viola off at her apartment in the northern

part of the city.

Viola did not react to this either. She just fluttered her eyelashes before saying to Eugene softly, “It’s

still raining. Be careful on your way home.”

Eugene acknowledged her with a hum. He then took out an umbrella from the storage compartment

and handed it to Viola. “Take your time going back. Uncle will worry if you’re too fast.”

Hearing his words, any hesitation on Viola’s face immediately dissipated. She had initially been a bit

displeased that Eugene directly took her home.

Chamber 10