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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 99: Sincere
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Jweakly slumped on the sofa.The window was open, and her long hair billowed with the wind.She sighed and closed her
Moments later, she turned to look at Ethan, her gaze cold and aloof.
"What the hell is going on, Ethan?"
Everything had been a hoax.She was so touched when Ethan stood up for her.But she felt like a fool now.
"I can explain." Ethan quietly glanced at his phone.
Although he looked calm, he was burning with rage inside.He was mad at his subordinate for ruining his perfect plan.
‘Damn it! What a stupid, useless man! Why did he have to send a message about the painting now?’
"No need! I clearly saw everything.You had joined a few people and performed a drama to deceive me.Jsneered.Ethan was
startled.He rubbed his brows and blew out a loud breath.He didn’t want to reveal his guilt.Jhad caught him red-handed, and
Ethan didn’t dare to deny it.
He sat up and looked at her innocently.

"Yes, that was a setup.It was a rented villa."
Jcrossed her arms over her chest.
"Do you think I’m a fool?"She was seething with rage.She took a deep breath to control her rage.
"What the hell were you thinking? Do you have too much money to spare? It was a stupid thing to do."
"I just wanted you to be happy."
Ethan squatted in front of Jand held her knees.
"Don’t be mad at me.I’m sorry," he said intently.
Jshook her head and stood up, intending to leave.
Ethan grabbed her shoulders, and the two fell onto the sofa.

Janet’s face reddened with rage.She quickly grabbed her clothes in fear.
Ethan’s dark eyes bore into hers; he looked frightening.
"Do whatever you want, but please don’t ignore me."
"You are crazy!"
Jshouted as she tried wriggling out of his hold.

"Don’t touch me! You tried fooling me.What makes you think I’d listen to you?"
Before she could utter another word, Ethan wrapped her into a tight embrace.His body trembled, for he couldn’t control his
emotions anymore.
Ethan was an influential personality in the business world.
People feared him.
However, his voice broke when he spoke.
"Don’t be afraid.I won’t do anything to you without your consent.I just want to talk to you.Can you please listen to me?"
He knew Jwas unhappy but didn’t know what to do to make her feel better.
"I just want you to know that I care about you a lot.If you don’t like what I just did, I’ll try something else next time.Anything for
you.From now on, I will listen to your every word.A few days ago, when you toldabout Brandon, I knew it was my fault that it
appeared I didn’t care.Trustwhen I say I do care about you.Scold me, beat me, do whatever you want to vent your anger, but
please don’t ignore me.I’ve never been with anyone before, and we are newly married.This is all new to me.I’m bound to make
mistakes.Correctif I do something wrong, but don’t just turn your back to me.I want to be a better man — a better husband
for you."
Ethan stared into Janet’s eyes.
Their faces were inches apart.The intensity of his gaze trapped Janet.
Ethan’s shaggy air gently brushed against her face, emanating a faint peppermint fragrance.

The macho man now looked vulnerable in front of her.
Jcould tell that he meant every word.