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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

Just as Hanson finished speaking, Sebastian Parks, who wore countless honorary medals on his chest,

said, “I guess he’s thinking of preventing the military or other stealth experts from entering the city.” “At

this point, it seems that he doesn’t want us to get involved. Judging by his moves to block the city gates,

I assume that he is telling us not to get in.” After pondering for a while, Hanson replied, “Dragon

Temple… Although they helped us many times overseas, it’s inappropriate for them to cause such a

huge scene in Frogua.” At this moment, Sebastian shook his head. “If we were to get involved, we would

inevitably clash with them…” Indeed, this was unavoidable. Another elder, Ryan Finch, who remained

silent previously, added, “If we were to fight against Dragon Temple, what are our chances of winning the

battle?” Hearing this, Sebastian replied without hesitation, “What are our chances? If we truly go into

battle, we will definitely win.” Everyone in the room smiled, but what he said next made them feel bitter

right away. “However, even if we can destroy them, we have to sacrifice a lot on our end as well.

Furthermore, we cannot use large-scale weapons in our own land. If we send only our elite troops over…

Even if we win, it will be a pyrrhic victory. In fact, no one can afford to take such risks…” “How much will

we have to sacrifice?” Hanson asked subconsciously. Sebastian instantly became silent while his eyes

were fixed on Hanson. Only after a long pause did he reply, “First of all, if all hidden forces within the

country join the battle, two or three of them wouldn’t pose much of a problem. However, only five of such

organizations have established relationships with us.” “Secondly, if I lead our men to fight this war, we will

inevitably return with severe injuries and disabilities. Moreover, our savings over the years would

basically vanish. I will definitely be assassinated as well.” As soon as Sebastian explained the potential

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consequences, everyone’s face changed. “Are they really that strong?” Hanson raised his eyebrows in

disbelief. “Can we regard Mr. Dawson of Dragon Temple to be as strong as you are?” Sebastian

responded firmly, “That’s right. Half a year ago, I fought with him once when they destroyed the

Hollowtalons Organization. I didn’t use my full

strength at the time, but neither did he…” In the conference room, everyone became quiet in an instant.

It was clearly impractical to go against Dragon Temple. Terrance bitterly said, “What Sebastian said is

true. Dragon Temple is strong as it grew rapidly over recent years. It is different from any forces or

organizations outside the region that have been famous for a long time. It took Dragon Temple only five

years to rise to this level.” “In the past five years, they have destroyed over a hundred organizations,

which helped built Dragon Temple’s reputation.” Speaking of this, Terrance gritted his teeth with

determination in his eyes. “Please forgive me for overstepping the boundaries, but I have to speak my

mind.” “Dragon Temple, or perhaps, Mr. Dawson has always been friendly to Frogua. To begin with, this

incident was caused by someone’s vile actions within our own

country. It was not Dragon Temple’s fault…” Following this, Terrance showed a photo. It was the scene

when Joseph passed out with Chloe in his arms. “He is originally from Frogua. Although Dragon Temple

is not part of our forces, he has done a lot of good for the country. No matter whether we admit it or not,

his contribution can’t be erased.” “He can be considered as a hero of the country, can’t he? Yet, his wife

and daughter were abused in such a barbaric manner. A five-year-old child was beaten, locked in the

pigsty, and fed on pig food. Frankly, if I were in Joseph’s shoes, I might take. more drastic actions than

what he did.”


“How can someone in our country do such a wicked thing? How dare they go against the law?” Even

Hanson was livid at this moment. This was the sort of thing military men wanted to avoid seeing.

Similarly, Sebastian held a gloomy expression. His anger surged as he said, “It’s obvious that this is not

the first time such things have happened. You should reflect on it.”

Terrance lowered his head. If this event did not occur, it would have been buried forever. Perhaps there

were even more vile things going on in the country, but they were all unreported. Matt Fletcher remained

silent all this while. He was an old man with grey hair and a kind face. “We can’t blame Terrance for this.

The country is vast, not to mention

that development has been rapid over these years. It’s inevitable that such things could happen under

the noses of law enforcement.” One could be strong, but time and resources were limited. Terrance was

in charge of the whole country on his own. As such, there were many things to deal with “What Terrance

said earlier sounds reasonable to me.” No one expected that Matt would agree with Terrance. “In fact,

there is no need for everyone to be so serious. Actually… I’m acquainted with this person.” “What?”

Everyone was shocked. “Do you personally know Joseph?” Matt said with a smile, “That’s right. Last

year, when I was trapped in Wafresh, he was the one who saved me.” “In fact, he also saved more than

800 Frogua citizens.” Everyone was moved. “He is somewhat related to all of you as well.” Ryan

frowned, not quite understanding what he meant. “He is an heir of the Dawson family,” Matt explained.

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“That’s impossible!” Sebastian was shocked. “Don’t lie to me. I’ve been close to Joseph’s grandfather,

Charles Dawson, for many years. He has only two grandsons. Although I forgot what their names were,

Joseph was definitely not one of them.” As soon as Sebastian finished speaking, Hanson, Ryan and

Terrance all nodded. Charles Dawson was also a noble hero of the country. How could they not know


Although Charles was old, he was a famous figure. At the time, he was still guarding Fofluidor.

Meanwhile, Matt was calm. When they all finished speaking, he explained, “Names can be changed

anytime. I’m sure you can recall the incident in the Dawson family six years ago. At that time, Charles

couldn’t leave his post, so Sebastian paid the family a visit.” Sebastian was shocked when he finally

recalled what happened back then. He then exclaimed, “Is Joseph the eldest grandson? Is he the one

who was driven out of the Dawson family by his stepmother and has never been heard from since?”

“What did he experience in the past six years? How can he have such rapid development?” “His mother

died very recently at the time, so how could his father be so cold hearted to kick him out of the family?

Furthermore, he was also stripped of his identity as the heir of the Dawson family. Afterward, he was

then betrayed by both his fiancée and his trusted friends. How could he not mature quickly?” As Matt

finished explaining, everyone was silent. A year ago, after meeting Joseph, Matt began to investigate his

identity. At that time, Joseph assumed that Matt was an ordinary old man, so he did not pay much

attention to him. As such, Matt had the chance to investigate Joseph’s background. “Since he’s Charles’

grandson, we can’t treat him coldly. Moreover, we don’t have a good solution to deal with him anyway.”

Matt then suggested, “Let’s talk with him peacefully.” “He has endured grievances for six whole years.

Plus, he’s developed his status to this point where he is almost on equal footing with us. Since he found

out that his daughter is here, he will not leave so soon. If we have an agreement, we will have a

successor in the future.” “Not bad at all.” Hanson was overjoyed. Now that he knew who Joseph was, he

had a lot less to worry about.