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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131 When Joseph saw Yin Chaoge, he was so shocked. He was also confused. Yin Chaoge didn’t tell him, he didn’t know why she was looking for him. After all, in his memory, he and Yin Chaoge seemed to have never had much interaction. It was really strange. He squatted down, looked at Eason, and said, “Hey, and you, | heard that you are the most talented person in this generation in Vowhye? You wanted to provokeas soon as you entered the door, didn’t you? Do you want to fight with me? Well, don’t say that | didn’t give you a chance. How about | fight with you with one of my hands? If you want to fight, hurry up.” At this moment, when Eason heard what Joseph had said to him, he was so scared that he almost cried. Don’t joke around. He was at the early stage of the God of War. How could he fight against the Dragon Temple Lord who was able to escape from the Outer Region battlefield after killing a Royal level expert? If that was the case, was there any difference between that and asking him to die? “Boss, | didn’t, absolutely didn’t. | couldn't beat you...” Eason was really about to cry, and his body was trembling with fear. He really didn’t dare to stand up. His only thought at the moment was to run away and leave here. However, Joseph acted as if he didn’t hear Eason’s words. He looked at Eason and said, “Okay, if you don’t want to challenge me, then I'll cand challenge you. | also want to see the level of the most talented person of the young generation in Vowhye. How about we just start the fighting?” Eason shivered and said, “No, Boss, my dear Boss, | really don’t dare to fight with you. | really haven't provoked you. Can I quit fighting?” Joseph shook his head and said, “No, there's no other way. You're Sebastian's grandson. Your grandfather is too old, | can’t fight with him, so I'll beat you to vent my anger. It's your grandfather's fault. Don't you think so?” As Joseph spoke, he slapped Eason’s right arm, and it was dislocated. Eason, “...” coming with me. He said that you also cfrom Vowhye, and you were of the sage as him, so he insisted on fighting with you,” Terrance, who was looking for a chance to stir up trouble, said. “Terrance, f*cking you,” Eason shouted in his heart. He was scared by Terrance’s words. Joseph was the Lord of the Dragon Temple. If he fought with Joseph, he really would die. “Hey, you're so boring. I'm asking you one last time. You really don’t want to fight with me? How about | suppress my strength at the early stage of the God of War?” Joseph continued to ask Eason with a smile.

“No, Boss. | was wrong. | was really wrong. You are the boss, and you are the boss of the younger generation in the entire Vowhye. No, you are the boss of the younger generation in the whole Frogua...” In order not to be beaten, Eason said all kinds of shameless words to Joseph. Compared with being beaten, it was okay to be shameless. “Well, well, then forget it.” Joseph stood up helplessly and shook his head. Well, it was just that he accidentally dislocated Eason’s left arm. Well, he really didn’t do it on purpose. Eason endured the sharp pain and didn’t even dare to fart. He lay on the ground and trembled with fear. He made up his mind that he wouldn't dare to provoke Joseph again. This person was too horrible, too horrible. Joseph was very angry. He originally wanted to beat Eason to vent his anger. After all, Eason was the leading figure of this generation in Vowhye, the peerless talent. Moreover, he was the sage as Eason. Although he was no longer in Vowhye, he had heard of Eason before, so he had always wanted to see Eason, the peerless talent of the younger generation in Vowhye.

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Unexpectedly, five years later, he would see Eason again. The gap between the two was like heaven and earth.

Things had changed, and the world had changed. Since Eason didn’t want to fight, then Joseph looked at the man who was watching the show. He smiled and said, “Terrance, | heard that you are also a Semi Titan level.

You.” But the next moment, before Joseph could finish his words, Terrance’s face suddenly turned pale, and then a trace of dark red blood suddenly spilt from the corner of his mouth. His breath dropped sharply, and he said weakly, “Lord Dawson, what did you just say? What, what happened to me? I'm sorry, | was really badly injured two days ago. | just suffered from internal injuries. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” The corner of Joseph’s mouth twitched twice, and he stared at Terrance. “Okay, Terrance Lambert, you win!” Then Joseph looked at Wang Tianhai, the God of War of Usmait. But the next moment, Wang Tianhai knelt on the ground with a bang. “Mr.Dawson, | was wrong... Joseph was suddenly speechless, and then he looked at Felix. Felix said with a bitter smile, “Lord, we are on the sside, and | am Alpha 34.” Finally, Joseph looked at Yin Zheng, who was standing behind Yin Chaoge.

He frowned and said, “Yin Zheng, this time, your Yin family.” Yin Zheng knelt on the ground and said sincerely to Joseph, “Mr.Dawson, all the members of the Yin Group are gifts of gratitude to you. Even the Chaoge Group will be your gift.” Joseph was speechless. He waved his hand, sighed, and said gloomily, “Forget it! Forget it! Your small family business is useless for| don’t even want to take the Junlin Group, how c| want your Yin Group? You're a person who is experienced in the business field. Five years ago, when | left, you were suppressed by Shangguan Bo. Now five years have passed, and you're still suppressed by Shangguan Bo. You are so useless and do not fight back.” “Well, well, Mr. Dawson, you are right. | am useless, and Shangguan Bo is also very strong. He is cunning, and | really want to defeat him, but I really can’t do it.” Facing the reprimand from Joseph, Yin Zheng quickly nodded.

“Forget it, I'll teach him a lesson sother day. Shangguan Bo, that old bastard, actually took my wife to work in their company. D*mn it, | have to settle this with him...” Joseph said angrily. To be honest, he wanted to find a vent this time. He planned to teach the people of the military of the Frogua who cin a few days a good lesson. Hearing that, Yin Zheng was immediately delighted. Of course, in front of Joseph, he didn’t dare to laugh out loud but sniggering. However, he had never expected that Terrance was too insidious. He took everyone to pay a visit. At this moment, whenever Joseph thought of how excited his mother-in-law and father in-law were when they saw Terrance, he would be angry. He was absolutely sure that Terrance did it on purpose. He really wanted to beat Terrance up, but he didn’t expect that he would pretend to vomit blood. “D*mn, this old man is really evil.” Well, just when Joseph looked at him, the corners of the mouth of Terrance’s mouth split out again.

Seeing this, Joseph's gritted his teeth. He looked at Terrance and said, “Mr. Terrance, why are you doing such a thing? You're the First Commander of the Frogua’s military. You're even a Deputy Commander outside. Are the people in the Frogua’s military all like you? Alright, stop acting. You're already at the Semi Titan level, so why are you still acting here? If you continue acting, do you believe that I'll let you spit out sguts?” *Er..” The expression on Terrance’s face froze. He knew that Joseph had seen through him, so he decided not to act anymore. The corners of his mouth were closed, and his face immediately becruddy again. The corners of Joseph’s mouth twitched, and he was too lazy to pay attention to him. “Huh, of course not. The military of the Frogua is a group of loyal and righteous people. We are all very sincere and never lie,” When saying this, Terrance did not feel guilty. Joseph snorted and ignored him. Then, Terrance glanced at the people in the hall and said, “Everyone! What you heard today, what you saw, is secret! Who dares to reveal it! | promise that you will stay in prison for the rest of your life! Before coming here, you have signed a secret document! Please remember it clearly With a click, Joseph lost control of his strength and broke a handle. He thought to himself, “Terrance is indeed well-prepared.” At this time, Yin Chaoge finally cto her senses. She looked at Terrance with extremely complicated eyes and said, “Terrance, is he really the president of Junlin Group, the lord of the Dragon Temple? That god-like man? The smile on Terrance’s face disappeared. He took a deep breath and looked at Yin Chaoge seriously. “Yes, Miss Yin, please remember that | wasn’t joking with you. Lord Dawson hasn't joined the military of the Frogua over the years, but the Dragon Temple he led has helped the Frogua both openly and secretly on the battlefield and even in the entire outer region. Therefore, it’s not a big deal to call him the National Warrior of the Frogua. It’s not even enough. Also, Miss Yin, please remember clearly that the reason why your Yin family was able to escape this disaster was due to Lord Dawson. Otherwise, your Yin family will definitely be destroyed this time. This is great kindness to you! | hope that Miss Yin won't have the mentality of a little woman to cause trouble for Lord Dawson.

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The words Terrance said were extremely serious. Yes, even if the one in front of him was a talented girl. However, compared with Joseph, although Yin Chaoge was important, she was much worse. Joseph at Frogua, he and Sebastian had a lot of confidence to concentrate on doing something big. At this time, Yin Chaoge also took a deep breath and said to Terrance seriously, “Yes, Mr.Lambert, | understand. | will not make trouble for Lord Dawson.

In the distance. Joseph frowned. He took a look at Yin Chaoge and said, “You can do as usual. Don’t let my wife suspect me. | can’t show all of my identity to her now. | have my difficulties, But | feel that | am going to tell her before the end of the year.” Yin Chaoge nodded seriously and said, “Well, okay, Mr. Dawson, but I've always wanted to see you. Well, because | never thought that the legend in Usmait City seven years ago would be the sas the Dragon Temple Lord who is famous in the Outer Region! So Mr. Dawson, can | invite you and Paige to have a meal withtomorrow night?” Joseph also nodded seriously and said, “Okay.” Yin Chaoge nodded and pulled Leng Yijun, who was still sitting on the ground up, but he said with sfear, “Can I, can | stand up?” Joseph smiled and said, “Of course | can. And Miss Leng, | hope that you will keep today’s affairs a secret from Paige. You should at least helphide it from her for a period of time. Because of me, she has been separated from society for five years. Now that she has just returned to her job, she needs to get used to it. | also plan to hand over Junlin Group to her in a month.” Leng Yijun took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in her heart.

She said, “Well, don’t worry. | will, Dawson.” “Well, it’s nothing.” In the end, she still wanted to say something to Joseph, but when she was about to say something, she couldn’t say anything. Her heart was complicated and shocked. She couldn’t imagine what kind of good things Paige had done in her last life. In this life, she could find a man like Joseph.

The group of people, including Terrance, left. When they came, they were still very cheerful. However, when they left, they were all shocked and their faces were pale especially Leng Yijun, Yin Chaoge, and Eason. Well, that unlucky boy Eason, when he left, his arms were still hanging down. He didn’t dare to correct them in front of Joseph. Ten minutes later, Paige and her family ran upstairs. When the group of people saw Joseph, they had a lot to ask in their hearts. But when they really cto Joseph, they found that they couldn't say a word. Finally, it was Paige who walked up to Joseph and asked nervously, “Honey, you.” Before Paige could finish her words, Joseph interrupted her with a smile. “Don’t worry. From now on, I'm the First Commander of the Frogua’s military.

Don’t forceto find a job!” “Well, honey, you're so handsome,” Paige looked at Joseph with a smile. Joseph also smiled and looked at Paige without saying a word. As the commander of the military already made his wife so happy. He had too many secrets to tell her. Well, perhaps for Paige, what she wanted was enough, really enough. But for Joseph, it was far from enough. As the wife of the Lord of the Dragon Temple, how could she not stand at the peak of this world with him? How could she not see the best scenery in this world?