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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126 “Huh? What's wrong? Mr. Lambert, is my guess wrong?” Eason looked at him with a puzzled expression.

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The corner of Terrance’s mouth twitched. Behind him stood a Divine King level expert, the fifth commander of the Frogua’s military who had the similar expression. Sigh. If that’s what you thought so, then just let it be.

Terrance patted Eason’s shoulder and thought to himself, “Kid, there are sthings that you'd better not know.

I'm afraid that you can’t bear it if you know the truth.” Terrance could only sigh at this moment. If Eason knew ity of Joseph and what he could really do, he would probably be extremely demotivated and demoralized. After Terrance finished speaking, he then went to meet Yin : Chaoge. These days, the female genius of Frogua, a world-class scientist, had also been too frightened and needed to be comforted. “Eh... what do you mean? Is there a confidentiality order to this? Am | not supposed to know because of my rank? Mr. Lambert, are you being serious? I'm also a member of the military. I'm at the early stage of the God of War though!” Eason shouted with a depressed face. Terrance who was walking towards the other direction suddenly staggered. He really wanted to go back and kick Eason in the ass so that he no longer annoy him with this anymore. Damn it, why did he used to have the idea that Eason had the posture of his grandfather, Sebastian? But now, why did he feel that he was a good-for-nothing? Terrance didn’t want to bother Eason anymore. He would get annoyed if he saw Eason again.

At his age, he was already complacent about breaking through to the God of War level. Yet Joseph was already at the Royal level, and he was chasing after an Outer Region Royal level at the level of his grandfather till the other party begged for mercy. How could you compete with him? Where did you get the courage to do that? This arrogant kid should really get himself expelled. With the best resources in the headquarters of the Vowhye military, yet he could only break through to the God of War level? What's the use of that? Yet he’s bragging out him being at the early-stage of the God of War? How many people did Joseph kill last night? Joseph didn’t even bother to count them. Terrance was so mad that his heart was twitching. He must really tell Mr. Sebastian to educate this arrogant child well after he got back. If Mr. Sebastian refused to do anything, then he would! Poor Eason, the genius of Vowhye’s newest generation, and the most powerful leader of his generation, had no idea at all of how much the commander of Frogua’s military wanted to beat him up in his heart right now, and the urge of him wanting to beat him up was growing larger and larger. Terrance found Yin Chaoge amidst the large piece of ruins, and she looked exactly like Eason right now, sitting on a big stone in a daze without anyone knowing what they were really thinking. It was not until Terrance cto her and coughed twice that she cto her senses. Yin Chaoge was also shocked when she saw Terrance coming in person. She quickly stood up and bowed to him with a pale face. “Terrance, why did you chere in person?” There was a hint of deep apology in the eyes of Terrance. He looked at Yin Chaoge and said apologetically, “Kid, I'm sorry. Something was up in the Frogua’s military these days, and we were all held back so we were unable to be be at Usmait to protect you.

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Alas, fortunately, you are fine, but don’t worry. Such a thing won't happen again in the future. Our military has sent a Divine king here, and your safety will definitely be ensured in the future.” Unexpectedly, Yin Chaoge shook her head and said, “Mr. Lambert, there’s no need to do so. I'm fine...” In fact, Yin Chaoge was actually thinking that she did not need their protection. What's the use of sending a Divine King here? She had a feeling that whenever she was in danger in the future, Slaughter would be there for her. What if Slaughter knew that someone was protecting her and no longer cfor her? Well, our top female genius had a different thought process from ordinary people. At this moment, the mouth of the fifth commander of Frogua military, who was standing behind Terrance, twitched twice. “What do you mean by that disdain look? Although I'm at the early- stage of Divine King, I'm still a Divine King, okay? Why do you despiseso much?” “Uh, kid,” Terrance also did not know how to react. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but stopped on second thought. Yin Chaoge’s eyes lit up. She looked up at Terrance and asked with great expectation, “Terrance, can your Frogua’'s military contact the Slaughter King? Can you ask him to be back at Usmait? You can, right? Otherwise, why would he cto Usmait to savethis time? This is already his second tsaving me.” The muscles on the corner of Terrance’s mouth twitched again. He really wanted to tell her that he actually didn’t know him in person. And he did not have the power to mobilize them too. They were both at the slevel. Besides, in a life- and-death battle, he, an old man, would definitely lose to the Slaughter King. As for the fifth commander of the military, who had the strength of a Divine King behind Terrance, the corners of his mouth twitched violently. He finally understood why the other party looked down on him. It turned out that she was being protected by someone else way more famous and powerful. It was one of the Four Divine Kings of the Dragon Temple, Slaughter King. Yes, with his current strength, he probably wouldn't be able to take ten moves from the other party. At this moment, this commander, who was ranked fifth in the military of Frogua, even if he was one of the top ten experts, could only felt a deep sense of helplessness. Alas. “I'm sorry, kid. Tha Slaughter King’s just our partner. He doesn’t belong to the military of Frogua. He belongs to the Dragon Temple. Only the Lord of the Dragon Temple can command him. | don’t have the right to do that.” Terrance was also feeling helpless at the moment. “Okay, | get it.” Yin Chaoge nodded hastily. Just as Terrance was relieved, Yin Chaoge quickly said to him, “Well, Mr. Lambert, can you introduce the Lord of the Dragon Temple to me? To be honest, | have always wanted to meet him. Furthermore, | want him to send the Slaughter King here. Is that okay? Don’t say that you don’t know him. I'm sure you know the Lord of the Dragon Temple, don’t you? Mr. Lambert, please, just introduce him to me. | want to meet that famous person.” Hearing this, Terrance beceven more helpless. He looked up at the night sky in the direction of Joseph, then he sighed deeply in his heart. “Do | know him? Well, | do. But do you needto introduce him to you? | heard that you have even recruited him to be the head of security in your company. Do you still wantto introduce him to you? Also, do you really think that | was the one who order Slaughter King and Vanish King to protect you this time? I, | can’t do it. Why do you think | am so powerful?” At this moment, he was almost crying in his heart. “F**k, don’t treatthis way, okay? My life will really be shorter just by talking to young people like you.” “Mr. Lambert, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?” Yin Chaoge saw that Terrance’s expression was very strange, so she asked with concern. “I'm fine. | was just slightly injured before. Chaoge, you should now focus on your Chaoge Technology. I'll arrange for you to meet the Lord of the Dragon Temple when there's a chance in the future. Is that okay?” he said with a smile to Yin Chaoge.. Yin Chaoge nodded excitedly. Then, as if she remembered something, she said to Terrance, “By the way, Terrance, | have another person to meet. Although | can see him in a month, since you've cto Usmait this time, can you arrange it for me? So that | don’t need to wait for another month. Is that okay?” Seeing that Yin Chaoge no longer dwell on the issue of introducing the Lord of the Dragon Temple to her, Terrance heaved a sigh of relief. Then he patted his chest wit said, “Okay, no problem. We can satisfy the small requirements of our great genius. Well, you can tellnow. Who do you want to meet? | will arrange it for you! I will definitely make it happen” Yin Chaoge nodded excitedly. “Well, thank you, Terrance.

Well, the person | want to meet is the founder of Junlin Group, the legend of Usmait City six years ago. | heard that he disappeared for five years, and then he cback stago and took hold of Junlin Group again. | heard that he is about the sage as me, so | want to see him. Mr. Lambert, can you arrange it fortomorrow?” “...” After hearing Yin Chaoge’s words, he suddenly felt as if his heart had stopped beating. His whole person was in a complete mess in the night wind. “D*mn, you cannot do this to me. Aren't you still wanting to meet the Lord of the Dragon Temple? What's the difference?” Terrance was totally stunned. “Huh? What's wrong, Mr. Lambert? Is it inconvenient forto see this person?” Yin Chaoge asked Terrance in confusion, with a trace of disgust in her eyes. “You are the No. 2 chief of the Frogua’s military. Can't you arrange a meeting with the founder of Junlin Group for me?” “D*mn it, | was actually looked down upon by someone. I, the second-in-command of the Frogua’s military, was actually looked down on by someone? D*mn it!” Terrance’s heart was in a mess, but he didn’t dare to show it on his face. He quickly wiped the cold sweat off his face and pretended to be calm. He smiled and said to Yin Chaoge, “Well, you can, but he is not in Usmait now. It's too late now. How about I call him tomorrow and ask him when would he return to Usamait?” After he said that, in order to save sface, he continued to ask Yin Chaoge, “Chaoge, who else do you want to see besides these two people? Don’t worry, | will definitely arrange it for you this time. | promise you!” Yin Chaoge curled her lips and said, “That's all. | initially wanted to see someone else too, it's Paige's husband. | heard that he too retired from the Outer Region military, but | saw him. Forget it, Mr. Lamber, you shall leave to do your work now. | want to be alone.” After Yin d speaking, she really turned around and left. She found an empty spot and sat down in a daze.

Then she said in a low voice, “You brag so much? Yet you can’t arrange any meeting for anyone | want to see, humph.” Our female genius squatted on the ground and took a small stick. She drew circles on the ground and was cursing Terrance in her heart. Not far away, Terrance, who had the strength of Semi Titan level, naturally heard Yin Chaoge’s silent criticism. A gust of wind blew, and then he was in a bad mood.

“F*ck, how do you wantto arrange it for you? Ah, do you know that the three people you want to see are the sperson!!! You have seen him for a long time, and you have seen him many times. Can you not do this to me? | am old, | am old!” Terrance roared in his heart. He chere tonight and after chatting with Eason and Yin Chaoge, his mood becreally bad.

“Mr. Lambert, the Yin family has been rebuilt, and our Usmait military..” At this time, Wang Tianhai ran over and wanted to report something to Terrance. “Get lost! You're a good-for-nothing. You can’t do anything. You only know to ask for help every day! It's been so many years, but you can’t break through to Divine King, ah? You're a good-for-nothing!” The raging Terrance finally found someone to vent his anger. Yes, it’s Wang Tianhai. If he wasn't a good-for-nothing, Terrance wouldn't chere in the middle of the night. All he knew was only how to ask for help. “I, Mr. Lambert, don’t do this. It’s my fault, it’s all my fault. Don’t use all your strength. | can’t bear it. D*mn it!” Wang Tianhai was stunned. When he stood up from the ruins more than ten meters away, he was completely confused. “Why did Mr. Lambert hit me? I'm just in my forties, and I've broken through to the late stage of the God of War. It’s not bad, is it? Why did you hit me?” “How did | beca good- for-nothing?” Wang Tianhai was dumbfounded. He looked at the raging Terrance who cin front of him again with a face full of anger, and he knew he was in trouble.