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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 On her way home after meeting Dylan, Arabella suddenly received a call. Recognizing the familiar number on the screen, she hit the button on her steering wheel to hang up But Attlee was persistent, calling again and again.

“What do you want?” Finally, Arabella picked up, her tone laced with irritation, “Bella. I'll cut to the chase. | saw you having dinner with the head honcho of Allbara Investment Group tonight. Are you two acquainted?” “What's it to you?” Arabella was surprised that he called to ask such a trivial question and was about to hang up.” “Bella, straight up, is Dylan into you? Is he wooing you?” Arabella was speechless.

“Don't tell me you're the one who told him not to collaborate with our company. If you want to marry into a rich family, you've got to have some dough too, right?” Arabella’s icy eyes flashed with coldness, “What are you implying?” “Your biological parents are in the countryside, they could never afford this lifestyle. It's embarrassing! But | could have your back; imagine how it sounds: the richest man in Tranquil City is your father. Eve got all the gifts sorted. That way you could marry into the wealthy family without a hitch!” Arabella said coldly, “What do you want?” “As long as you get me in touch with Dylan, arrange a meeting, and facilitate our collaboration again..

“No can do.” Just as Arabella was about to hang up, she heard him pleading. “Bella, | raised you for eighteen years! Are you really going to leave me high and dry? The company is in crisi “What's that got to do with me?” Arabella said coldly, “I don’t know where you get off telling me this. My grandma raised me, not you. Have you ever contributed a dime to me in these years? Have you ever visited me?” Every year during the holidays, she was sent to learn various things from a bunch of old guys. Her so—called parents never noticed how she spent her holidays! It's easy to guess how often they came home! was busy making money; | had no choice.” Arabella ended the call, she couldn't be bothered wasting her time with him.

“What did Arabella say?” Waiting nearby, Olga saw Attlee’s depressed look after he hung up and immediately understood what happened ‘She refused?” “I told you! Be nicer to her! But you didn't listen, and now she doesn't want to help us! Attlee sighed, unsure what to do next.

Olga was fuming: “It's not like we only have her to rely on! And she definitely won't help us, what about Yoli? The VIP ward must have been arranged by the Panter family. Let's invite the Panter family out for dinner tomorrow night and explain our situation to them. Besides Allbara Investment, there are two other groups that refuse to work with us, right? Those two groups are close with the Panter family, so let's ask the Panter family to be our go—between.” “That's the only way.” Thinking about the Panter family’s help, Attlee felt a little better. “Someone, call Yolu He had something to say Just then, Yolanda came running down the stairs, excitedly saying, “Dad, Mom, | won second place in the national piano competition!” “What?” Attlee and Olga didn’t expect their daughter to be so talented Wasn't she raised by a cleaning lady since she was little? How could she play the piano? And win awards? Yolanda quickly brought her phone to them and said, “Look, these are ther results! Serena won first place, and | won second*” “You're only second to a billionaire’s daughter” Olga was so proud of her that she couldn't help but say, “This is a golden opportunity” Attlee also realized, “Yoli, with the award, do you think you could invite Zachary and his family out for dinner?” “Invite Zachary's parents too.” Yolanda was a bit surprised.