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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30 “Dr. Caden really has a nasty temper.. Olga couldn’t help but comment as she stepped out of the consulting room, “Look at Zachary, he is a rich boy, but he’s so educated...” “He’s a genius doctor who's been spoiled and pampered since he was a kid, so his arrogance is understandable.” “Speaking of which, Dr. Caden mentioned that someone asked him to pay special attention to Grace's condition. Must be the Panter family, right?” With their extensive connections, the Zachary family were the only ones who could help with Grace's condition.

Plus, Zachary and Yoli were engaged...

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“It has to be the Panter family. Who else could it be? We should thank them at some point, but...” Feeling a bit downcast with the inability to transfer Grace to another hospital, Attlee could only let her continue her treatment here.

“Attlee, is that the direction the girl earlier took?” Suddenly, Olga seemed to think of something, “Il remember that the wards over there are quite expensive?” Half of this floor was for regular VIPs, and the other half for top-tier VIPs.

Grace got to stay in the regular VIP because they brought it up on the Panter family, it was estimated that the Panter family helped them.

But the top-tier VIP was a different story, not everyone with-money could afford it..

How could that girl afford to stay there? She didn’t know anyone important! “Dad, mom.” Just then, a gentle voice rang out.

“Yoli, how did you come?” Turning around, Olga found not only her daughter came, even Zachary came together as well.

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Zachary’s appearance and temperament were very good, and Olga was more and more satisfied. With such a son-in-law, her smile was always on her lips! “Zach, you came too!” Upon spotting them, Zachary courteously greeted, “Hello®,” “Hello...” Attlee returned the greeting warmly, “Weren't you two on a date? Why are you here in the hospital?” “We were going to watch a movie, but | heard from our housemaid that the hospital called us, so | thought something happened to Grace, and came to check on her. Zachary still hasn't left after sending me home, still at our door...” So, they came together.

“Dad, mom, how’s grandma?” Yolanda was quite the performer in front of everyone: Despite her disdain for her biased grandma, she knew how to play her part, “I think | saw my sister downstairs just now?” That familiar figure stepping out of the VIP elevator, but she didn’t see clearly..

Hearing her mentioned Arabella, Zachary was taken aback. Didn't they say Arabella returned to her biological family? Why was she here? Olga and Attlee both had grim expressions.

“Her...let's not discuss her right now. Your grandma is fine, the hospital just wanted us to pay some additional fees...Since you're here, why don’t you go in and see her? Maybe your care and love can give her some strength...” Zachary and Yolanda shared a glance before walking hand in hand into the ward, Grace on the bed was nothing but skin and bones, looking extremely frail.

Tears welled up in Yolanda’s eyes, “I was only gone for two days, and grandma has become so weak...” In truth, her “two days” wasn't accurate. It had been quite a while since she last visited.

“Why does grandma have to suffer like this, why can't all the pain be transferred to me, why...” Seeing her tears, Zachary quickly wiped them away, “Silly, you've already been through a lot...” “I'm not afraid, as long as grandma can recover, I'm willing to bear all the pain for her!” Looking at her kind and determined face, Zachary was deeply moved, and his love for her grew even stronger.