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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 2179
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The procession now seemed to stretch even longer than moments ago.

Not until the procession reached the front of George and Jennifer's private villa, amid the deafening sounds of gongs, drums, and

firecrackers, did Romeo, hand in hand with Arabella, step through the gates.

Bodyguards followed, unloading crates of cash, gold, and jewels.

This was Arabella’s gifts from the Collins family, a spectacle of wealth where each item bore a tag: “gift $2.8 billion, $2.8 billion in

jewelry and gold, 28 office buildings, 28 luxury cars, 66 hotels, 66 shops, 66 villas and houses.”

And with it ca detailed list of these generous gifts.

This was merely the gift from the Collins family for Arabella. The gifts from the seven grandfathers for Arabella were also

noteworthy. They practically gave away everything but their retirement savings to Arabella, including their properties, providing a

legitimate reason for Arabella to inherit and manage them.

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The media and onlookers camped outside were utterly astounded by the bride's family’s display of wealth.

The McMillian family’s betrothal gifts for Arabella had already trended online just the day before, with the cash gifts alone

amounting to tens of billions, not to mention jewelry, lands, real estate, and shares among other things.

[I'm tired of saying ‘jealous.’]

[Just last week, | was thrilled to have saved up a grand, and now here | am, shedding tears of poverty.]

[Even a screenwriter wouldn't dare to dream this up.]

[So the rich really do count their money in billions.]

[When | got married, | didn’t get a dfrom my parents, but when my brother tied the knot, they bought him a car and a house.]

[Starting today, I'm saving up for my daughter's future.]

Online, the onlookers were dying of envy. The hashtag #Arabellagift raced past #ArabellaBridalGift and #GrandWedding to hit the

top trend on social media.

After Arabella entered with Romeo, she saw Phillip, Shirley, George, and Jennifer seated on the sofa. Their faces lit up with joy; the

day they had been waiting for had finally arrived!

“Bella, you look absolutely stunning today! How can you be so gorgeous?!” exclaimed Shirley, her eyes sparkling with pride.

“Grandpa’s been waiting for this day!”

“Tired from the trip? Thirsty? Grandma's got srefreshments prepared just for you.”

“How blessed we McMillians are to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law.” George added with a heartfelt warmth.

Arabella picked up a glass of champagne from a tray presented by a servant and was about to bow in respect when Shirley gently

stopped her. “Oh, dear, no need for that.”

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Everyone present couldn’t bear the thought of her bowing.

“Just having you offer us drinks is a joy enough,” Phillip insisted, adamant that his granddaughter-in-law shouldn't bow.

Touched by their kindness, Arabella simply bent at the waist, offering champagne as a sign of respect.

After serving champagne to her grandparents, she turned to George and Jennifer and did the same.

When she called them “Dad” and “Mom,” George was visibly moved, and Jennifer's eyes brimmed with tears. The daughter-in-law

they had cherished for so many years was now officially part of their family.

“If Romeo ever dares to give you trouble, you tellright away, and I'll be the first to set him straight!” Jennifer declared firmly.

“When your mom deals with him, I'll be there handing her the stick. Dad and Mom will always be on your side.” George added.

As soon as George finished speaking, Shirley added, “Romeo, from now on, you must care more for Bella, take good care of her,

accompany her, and not devote all your attention to work.”

“And most importantly,” Phillip interjected, “be attuned to her feelings. Always put her first in everything you do.”