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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67: Ayla

I stood with my back against the door, listening to Theo through the wooden barrier. I

closed my eyes. My chest burning from the pain and sincerity in his voice. I knew I should

just walk away. I didn’t need to hear anymore.

But I didn’t want to.

I played with the ring that still felt so foreign on my finger. We both needed to get some

things off our chests. If either of us could hope for any kind of closure, we would need to

have this conversation. With a deep breath, I pushed off the door and opened it.

My eyes met Theo’s.

“Let’s talk,” I conceded.

I moved to the middle of the room, letting Theo come in and shut the door. I crossed my

arms over my chest, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

“Ayla,” Theo began, “come sit down. I swear, I’m just here to talk.”

I chewed the inside of my lip, eyeing the couch.

“Please,” Theo urged gently.

I huffed and rolled my eyes but went to sit on the couch. Theo sat on the other end, still

keeping space between us. I wasn’t sure how to start, so I waited for him to say


“Ayla, the way I treated you was… It was unforgivable. I hate myself for what I said to you

that day I came back. I hate that I rejected you. I hate



that I ever listened to Kylee and even got involved with her in the first place. You were

right. I should have thought for myself.”

I sat stiffly, my hands fidgeting in my lap.

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“And then everything that happened after,” Theo continued. “If I had known you would be

able to feel when Kylee and I…”

I laughed bitterly. “Because if it didn’t tear my heart apart, I would feel better about you

sleeping with my sister?” Theo winced, his shoulders falling a little more. “At least this

way, I knew. Instead of constantly having to wonder.”

Theo looked at me, his mouth opening and closing as he searched for words.

“Theo, we both had our reasons for what we did,” I said.

His hands suddenly covered mine. I had to stifle a gasp as electricity coursed through my

skin, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. I didn’t pull away.

“Ayla, I was a coward. You wanted to protect your family. Your reasons were noble. Mine

were selfish and ignorant. I wanted a Luna who would make my pack stronger. I needed a

Luna that would make me stronger. Because I knew I wasn’t. I’m not the Alpha my father


“What? Theo, that’s ridicu…”

“I was scared I would make the wrong choice,” Theo interrupted, “and believing what I

was told about you was easier. I was weak. And st**id. My dad has always been such a

dominant figure in my life. In everyone’s lives. Even after he got sick.”

I could hear the love and admiration in his voice as he spoke about his father. I felt for

him. I knew what that kind of loss felt like.



“I knew I couldn’t live up to that. Not yet,” Theo said. “I was pathetic. I let Kylee convince

me I needed to take a chosen mate. And when I found you, I was worried if you were the

cold, selfish person Kylee made you out to be, and I chose you, it would weaken the pack

even more.”


“I was foolish, Ayla, and blind. I let Kylee manipulate me, and it led me to throw away the

most important gift of my life. I broke our bond. I broke you. I left you in so much pain. I

made you lose your wolf.”

“Theo,” I urged, putting my hand over his. “You didn’t drive Dasha


“Yes, I did. She left you because we wouldn’t let you go. It hurt too much.”

“Theo” – I sighed, my chest tightening – “if I had fought your rejection… if I had tried to

convince you to talk things through, what would you have done? Would you have given

me the chance?”

“Yes,” Theo rushed. “Of course. That’s why I did it right away. I knew if I let you try to talk

me out of it, I would give in. The bond was too strong. I… I wanted you, Ayla.”

A tear fell and I swiped it away.

“That’s why Dasha left me, Theo,” I said. “I gave you up without a fight. I’ve fought for

everything else in my life… except my fated mate. Dasha only agreed to accept the

rejection because I begged her to spare Kylee. So, when we found out what she had done,

Dasha felt it was for nothing. I betrayed her, Theo. It wasn’t you.”

“Ayla, I’m so sorry,” he choked out. He gripped my hands tighter. The tingling kept getting

stronger. “If I had just talked to you, none of this



Chapter 67: Ayla

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would have happened.”

“No.” I forced back a s*b. “I don’t know what I would have done, Theo. I knew rejection

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may be necessary. If we were both your fated mate. She had you first. I wouldn’t take that

from her.”

“But Kylee and I aren’t fated…”

“I know,” I interjected. “I know. But it was easier for me to believe that you were. Rather

than acknowledge that she lied.” I squeezed his

hands, unable to hold back the tears anymore. “We both took the easy way out, Theo.”

His hands moved to my face, forcing me to look him in his own tear- rimmed eyes.

“Ayla, please forgive me,” he croaked. “I know I have no right to ask, but I am. Please,

Ayla, please, can you ever forgive me?”

I released a s*b as I nodded. I did forgive him. He may think his reasons were selfish, but

they weren’t. He was thinking about his pack. Even if his choices were misguided, his

intentions weren’t. He was putting the pack first. Like an Alpha should. I was only trying to

protect one person.

“I forgive you, Theo,” I whispered. “Please, forgive me.”

The look in his eyes was overwhelming. The electricity passing between us was so intense

I struggled to remember where I was. All I could focus on was his touch. My consciousness

drowning in his amber eyes.

Then everything intensified, shattering through me as his lips took mine.

It was nothing like the last time he kissed me. It was nothing like I’d

Chapter 67: Ayla

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ever felt. I sank into it, letting the kiss overtake my senses. I needed more. I was so close

to something. This was more than taking away the pain… I was close to feeling…


Our bond was healing.

A brief moment of clarity broke through the fevered haze.

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