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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

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Chapter 0424 In my mind, my wolf was rampaging, storming back and forth, smashing | against the walls I used to contain it. I wanted to run. I wanted to fight. I wanted to tackle Bridget to keep her away from my mate.

“Well, look at the time. We have to go,” Nicholas said at once. He never checked his watch. Who knew what the hell time it was? Nicholas held out his hand for me. I didn’t trust myself to take it without hurting him. My hands felt like they could shift to claws at any moment. € Bridget stepped closer, and a growl erupted from the back of my throat.

“Piper? Are you alright?” she seemed

genuinely concerned, and I hated that that pissed me off even more.

“She’s fine,” Nicholas answered for me. “It’s just been a long day. Come on, Piper. I'll see you back to your room.” He gripped me by the forearm and pulled me close to his chest. My nose rested near his collarbone and I inhaled long and steady. It helped calm me.

With my face buried in his chest, he led me to the door.

“Have a good night, Bridget,” Nicholas said. His chest vibrated when he talked.

I didn’t like that he had said her name, but the rumble of his voice made me purr in delight. He was so sexy, my mate. So strong and so good, and so sexy.

I had thought Nicholas intended to take me back to my room, so I was surprised when he turned the other way and started leading me toward the royal family wing instead. While I was lost to the touch and smell of Nicholas’s body, he led me directly into his room.

He closed the door behind us, then gently guided me to the bedroom.

“Is it the wolf?” he asked.

I hummed. It was, but it was more too.

My emotions were out of control.

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“She wanted to kiss you,” I said.

“For the play,” he replied.

Context mattered so little to me right | now, all I could do was growl. | | | “Okay, okay,” he said. “I understand.

Hold on.” He slowly started to pry me away from him.

I whined and tried to hold on tighter.

“Just for a minute,” he said. “You’ll like what I'm about to do, I promise.” With that promise, I leaned back to give him room. Immediately, he door off his jacket and ripped his shirt up and over his head. The second it hit the floor, I was right back where I had been, but without his annoying clothes in the way.

Nicholas was so hot. He smelled so good. He should never wear clothes.

Nicholas laughed, low and deep, and I

realized I'd said all that out loud. “You wouldn’t like others to see me naked, would you?” Another growl tore from my throat, this one even more dangerous than before.

His laughter slowly fell into a satisfied chuckled. “That’s what I thought.” “Nick...” I felt like I was out of my head, barely holding on.

“I know, Piper. It’s okay. I know what will help.” “What?” “Scenting.” It was true, he did smell too much like Bridget, and her perfume and the lavender. “How?”

“Mark me,” he said.

I shook my head. “That won’t work.

You heal too quickly. My marks won’t last.” “Do it anyway,” Nicholas said.

I trusted Nicholas, so I immediately latched onto the collarbone I'd been nuzzling and sucked in a red mark. And then another right beside it. And another. By the time I reached the edge of his shoulder, the marks I had started with were already healing.

But Nicholas was right, I did feel a bit more like myself. The mark itself healed but my scent remained. It brought me some ease.

“Better?” “Yes,” I said with a sigh of relief.

“Thank you.”

“Good,” Nicholas said. His hands dug into the back of my shirt. “Now it’s my turn.” » In a flash, he ripped his hands in opposite directions, tearing my shirt clean off my body.

His mouth descends at once to the juncture of my neck and shoulder, which had been previously hidden away by my shirt, and he sucked in a mark.

His hands went to my backside and lifted. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his waist.

His mouth latched onto my collarbone as he carried me to his bed. As he gently lowered me down, his mouth moved to the swell of my breast.

I combed my fingers through his hair. I

did feel more myself, but my jealousy was still seething. The only way I could think to quash it, other than what we were already doing, was to have what Bridget wanted and was denied.

“Nicholas,” I said.

He lifted his head to look at me. A bit of saliva clung to his red lips, making them shine just a little.

“Kiss me,” I said.

He smirked, then surged forward and captured my lips with his own. Our tongues tangled, our limbs intertwined. And for a good long while, I lost track of where I ended and he began.

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Later, when we were sated and sweaty and bliss had settled over me like a warm blanket, I turned my head on the

pillow to look at Nicholas beside me.

1 His hair was a mess from where I had dragged my fingers through again and again. The fresher marks on his chest were fading, though some were still bright. I treasured the sight of them, knowing they would be gone soon.

He turned his head on his pillow too, looking at me. “You are amazing, Piper.” “So are you,” I said, smiling. “Though I do have a question...” “What is it?” he asked.

“When we were together in the woods that time, I asked you to be inside of me. You said to wait until we were near a bed.” I patted gently on the mattress beneath us. “I understand if you

wanted to wait before when I wasn’t quite myself. But I can assure you that I'm fully in control now.” I was expecting a charming smile and a quip about our expected second, third, or fourth round.

My desire to have Nicholas inside of me hadn’t quelled since that night in the woods. If anything, it had grown since then. I'd thought if we’d laid together like that, we might feel closer to each other.

And when I thought of finally losing my virginity, there was no one else in the whole world I could think of wanting to give it to. Even if we were doomed. I wanted Nicholas to be my first.

Nicholas’s actual reaction was a dimming smile as he turned his head

away, facing the ceiling now.

My heart grew chill. I felt like he was closing a door in my face.

“I think we should wait,” he said.

Okay. That wasn’t so bad. Wanting to wait made sense. I wouldn’t dream of pressuring him.

“After what happened with Susie,” Nicholas said, “it got me thinking. I don’t want to risk getting you pregnant.” And just like that my frozen heart shattered into pieces.

It wasn’t that Nicholas didn’t want to be inside of me.

It was that he didn’t want to risk having a family with me.