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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 442
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Chapter 0442 Neither of us pulled away though.

At least, not until Bridget's voice sounded behind me. “Nicholas! It's tfor our romance scene.” Nicholas released my hands and | pulled them back to my sides, just as Bridget cto a stop beside me.

If she had noticed our closeness, which she must have from her closeness, she was pretending she hadn't. She simply beamed her bright smile all for Nicholas.

My nerves prickled once again. Yes, Nicholas had toldthat he would only kiss the people he wanted to, but in the shine of Bridget’s presence and under the lights of the stage, who knew what would happen? The script called for a kiss. They were supposed to kiss.

Would Nicholas truly turn his back on the character? On the play itself? On Bridget? She batted her eyelashes at him now. “Ready, lover?” My thoughts fizzled into ash. | felt suddenly faint.

Bridget glanced atand laughed. “Just getting into character, Piper.” She winked at me.

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Whatever my feelings were toward Bridget, | could openly admit that | absolutely detested her character for this play.

Bridget’s character and Nicholas’s were both in their own relationships at the start, only for them both to claim they never loved their partners and pursue each other instead. It was painted as true love conquering all, but | wasn't so sure.

My character was painted as a villain for trying to save her relationship. And while sof her actions were underhanded she was by no means a saint her intentions are only to sustain the love she thought she had been cultivating for the past years.

I hadn't given it much thought until now, but maybe the audience and Nicholas were right.. Maybe his character really was a cad.

No wonder Nicholas was so miserable to be playing him.

“It's our tto shine,” Bridget said, turning her smile to Nicholas once again.

He nodded curtly at her and then looked at me. The green in his eyes was barely visible in the dark of the backstage, but the gold almost seemed to glow. And within that gold, | could 12 +15 BONUS detect a swirl of emotion.

He was trying to tellsomething, and while | didn’t always understand the message behind his eyes, this time, | was fluent enough in Nicholas to read him.

My heart is with you.

| could feel the words as clearly as if he had just said them aloud to me.

Bridget patted Nicholas’s arm. “Better get into position.”

Nodding, Nicholas turned from and headed up the stair. With our locked eyes broken I released the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Oddly, Bridget remained. As | looked at her, | found her watchingwith a truly unreadable expression.

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With Nicholas, | had a chance of reading his face because of the depth of our knowing each other and because he was so terribly earnest.

Bridget was an actor by trade, her face could say anything, and these was no indication if that was what she truly felt The fact that | didn’t know her all that well didn't help matters either.

Yet when she looked atnow, | felt an uncomfortable chill run down the length of my spine,like Iwas staring into the eyes of a viper ready to strike. 1 Maybe that was an unfair comparison. | felt bad for thinking it. But | couldn't deny it. 1 Bridget’s smile hadn't dimmed, but her eyes turned hard.

“Keep your eyes on the stage, Piper,” Bridget said. “I'm about to show everyone what a real kiss of passion looks like.”