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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 402
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Chapter 0402

Much later, after Nicholas and I had gone our separate ways for the day, I received notice from a

servant that the candidates were required to go to the foyer for announcements from Nathan. I was

already a bit late, having been so thoroughly lost all morning, so I hurried to join the others.

I was the last one to arrive in the foyer. Though from what I could tell as the stage was still empty,

Nathan had yet to arrive. He came in only a handful of seconds after I joined Veronica, Tiffany, and

Susie at the base of the stage. Beside us Lilliana and Olivia were speaking quietly. The others were

scattered around.

All except Bridget were accounted for. I discovered why when

e walked in with Nathan. She had her arm laced through his like he was escorting her. He laughed at

something she said, and she grinned, pleased.

So much for no favoritism. Although, I guessed that was never a hard rule.

Nathan leads Bridget to the base center of the stage, then dipped his head as he backed away. He

rounded toward the stairs then stood in front of all of us. He picked up the microphone and clicked it on.

“Hi, everyone,” Bridget said, looking around. She was met with mostly frowns or mere grunts of


“Hello,” Susie said, because she was nice.

“Hi,” I said, because I was trying to be kind like Susie. Inside, I was viciously wondering if she had run

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into Nicholas and found my scent on him instead of hers. I hoped she did.

“Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us here.” He smiled down at Bridget. “And welcome once

more to Bridget. It’s great to see you here. I’m sure we can all agree.”

No one agreed.

Still Bridget kept her bright smile. “Thank you, Nathan.” She placed a hand to her heart. “Truly.”

“It does seem strange,” Olivia said loudly, claiming everyone’s attention, even Nathan’s. “Bridget’s

sudden appearance, I mean. Weren’t all the candidates supposed to be pulled from the choosing


Bridget continued to smile. “What a darling question, Olivia. I’m sure you have an answer that would

satisfy her, don’t you, Nathan?”


“I do,” Nathan said. “A private choosing ceremony was held with only the King, Queen, and myself

present. After the… results of the last elimination, our numbers were left off–balance. The King and

Queen thought it best to even the numbers again. And the choosing ceremony provided the result.”

Olivia’s face was politely neutral, but I doubted she believed such an obvious lie.

For the choosing ceremony to select Bridget, Nicholas’s previous entanglement, from a list of every

single woman in the kingdom felt like a longshot at best, pure deception at worst.

But to say so out loud would be to go against the word of the King’s Beta, and likely the King and

Queen themselves. That was flat out treason.

“I do so hope we can all get along,” Bridget said.

“Are there any more questions?” Nathan asked, looking squarely at Olivia.

She, however, was as diplomatic and high–bred as they came. She knew better than anyone when to

back down. “No, sir. I thank you for your explanation.”

“You are very welcome,” Nathan said. “Now. I would like to announce the next event. All candidates will

work together to put on a performance of a famous local stage play for the enjoyment of the royal

family. This will showcase your acting abilities. The Luna is a very talented individual herself.”

“Oh, how lucky!” Bridget gasped in delight. She clapped her hands together. Looking around, she said,

“I promise to give you all pointers.”

“Forget packing my bags,” Tiffany muttered under her breath. “I should just start walking home.”

“It will be fine,” Veronica whispered back. “She may win the most points but she can’t win them all.”

Looking at Bridget, at her movie star good looks and trained smile, complete with dimples, I wasn’t so

sure. If anyone could sweep an entire event, it would be superstar Bridget in an event undoubtedly built

just to showcase her.

“I can’t be on stage,” Susie whispered. She worried her hands together. There was fear in her eyes.

With her social anxiety, she was likely to lock up or have a panic attack or both. A terrible thing that I

didn’t want to see happen to her.

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“Maybe they need stage hands,” I suggested. A stage hand could be talented too. Or perhaps she

could help design the sets. “We’ll figure something out.”

She nodded but it was nervous still. “Thank you.”


I looked across the room to see how the others were reacting. Only Bridget seemed happy. Lilliana

wore a small smile though. She’d be a player in this event, that was for sure.

Olivia wore an expression that gave me pause: With her upbringing, she always seemed to have a cool

expression that would weather any drama. But this was something else. When she looked over at

Bridget, she looked downright vicious.

Maybe she never considered herself to have a rival before, and now there was one here, right in front

of her. One even her haughty ego couldn’t deny was a threat.

Yet, while Olivia was glaring at Bridget, Bridget was smiling back at me. I swallowed nervously.

“That is all,” Nathan said. “Thank you for your time.”

The girls slowly began to file out. Tiffany was grumbling to Veronica. Susie had her arms wrapped

around herself. Olivia walked with her head held high. Lilliana seemed smugger than usual.

As I was about to follow them, Bridget approached me. Her smile and manner were friendly, but my

wolf whispered a warning.

“She is plotting something.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!