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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 151
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Chapter 151 With the Second Ball only a few short days away, the dressmaking was underway and took up most of my time. My room had become Something of a command center, vith Charlotte, Elva, the nanny, Mark, and | as regulars. Susie visited quit often, sometimes with a maid or two in tow.

Her gown, leopard-themed, she shared, was already completed “The design wasn' overly complicated,” Susie said. “The leopard-print fabric is what makes it” “fm sure its beautiful” | told her So am," Mark added. When Susle looked at him, he quickly glanced away, ‘She continued to watch him as she said, “Thank you, but truly have lite interest n this event Mark, surprised, finally glanced back at her. “But if you don't do well you might not make it through the elimination.” If she did stay, it would have to be at the selection of one of the princes. If Nicholas knew Susie and Merk liked each other, he might select her, just to help them be together. Although he tended to be a stickder for the rules, of which Susie and Mark were defintely breaking, by crushing on each other.

| supposed there was no easy answer for them. Whatever time they had together was liely to be brief 1 know” Susie said, a bt sadly.

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Merk frowned but didn't say anything else.

Hold on, | said, a few minutes later, as | put the finishing touches of a wolf mask of faux gray fur. ‘Elva, come over here” ‘She skipped over to me, and | placed it on her face.

Keep it right there a second.” | said Diligently, she ifted her hand up and kept the mask in place. | tied the ribbons securely behind her head, Keeping the mask in place. It was lightweight so the ribbon shoud be enough. | wanted to test t now, though, rather than chance it atthe Ball See how that fits for a while, okay?” ‘She nodded at once. Through the holes in her mask, her eyes were wide and bright When she smiled, it was all crooked teeth and gums, Look! Look! I! a wolf" She gave a itie how! and then scurried around the room Susie, laughing, started to chase her.

17052 off my chair, bout o join n, when | noticed Terry enter the room unannounced. He peered around the room without anything When Mark noticed me stifen, he followed the length of my gaze to Terry.

On, sir” Mark dipped his head. “Forgive us. You should have made your presence known.” As he spoke, Susie skidded to a stop. She was in the back of the room near the window, and came not closer

Elva continued to run, until she came to me and noticed my tension. Once she spotted Terry, she hid once more behind my skirts.

“Well, don't let me disturb the good times occurring inthis room,” Terry said with his snake-iike smi.

He walked furher into the room and peered dovin at the assortment of fabric swatches Charlotte and | had fashioned into the semblance of a skirt. It was far from finished and unnerved me to see him taking.

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such an interest.

inched closer to him.

“Was there something we can help you vith, sir?” | asked.

He looked up at me. “What did you have in mind?" My stomach twisted with disgust, | didn't have anything in mind. | wanted to know what he was doing here. But | couldn't just ask that, as much 5 | wanted to. With the nobilty, very rarely did anyone ever say anything directly.

1 stood there awliardly under his stare, until Elva pesked out from behind me and caught Terry's attention “On, litle Elva,” he said. He attempted to soften his voice, but t came out breathy and wrong. “You aren't ill afraid of me, are you?" Elva retumed to hiding, indicating that yes, she vias Terry moved closer, fie he planned on walking around me to confront Elva a second time.