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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 133
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Chapter 0133

1 wished I could tell him that I understood he meant his words and that I appreciated them, but there

was no real opportunity for me to do so.

“Everyone needs to know their place, nobility and commoner alike,” Linda said.

The King nodded.

The Queen decided to change the subject, “I will try the egg first. I’m sure it is delicious.”

“Mother, perhaps you shouldn’t –”

“Quiet, Julian,” she said.

Julian lowered his head, unusually cowed. “Yes, ma’am.” In his eyes, something sparked though, as if


was about to watch his own revenge unfold.

She bit into it. Immediately, her face soured, though she continued to chew. Eventually she s

the bite down. She did not go for a second.


The King who had been carefully watching her seemed less inclined to take a bite of his own offered

egg. However, after glancing at the cameras, he inhaled a deep breath, and nibbled on the edge.

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Linda offered eggs to the princes. They all refused, even Joyce, who I had previously assumed hadn’t

been paying attention. Perhaps he was more observant than I had thought. I truly knew so little about


“This is…” The King struggled for a word.

“Vile? Repulsive?” Julian supplied.

“Spoiled?” Nicholas added, without so much joy as Julian.

The Queen pressed one hand to her stomach and the other to her mouth. She lurched forward, like she

might be sick.

Immediately, the King turned toward the cameramen. “Get those cameras out of here!”

The producers complied at once, pulling the camera crews away from the scene.

I had some water stored in a bottle nearby and quickly poured a glass for the Queen. She refused to

accept it from me.

“My Queen?” the King asked.

She shook her head. The King waved her handmaidens closer, and they quickly scurried to get her



The event is now ended.“.


“Your Majesty.” Nathan bowed his head. “What of the candidates yet to participate?”

“What of them?” the King scoffed. “The Queen is unwell! Naught else matters but that.”

“Of course, sir.” Nathan bowed deeper.

The King wasted no more time. He left Nathan and the princes standing there, and hurried into the

palace, chasing his wife.

When he was gone, Nathan announced the end of the event to all the girls. Those that had yet to be

judged were outraged, and a crowd formed around my table.

son this ha


“Don’t look at me,” Linda said, scoffing under the sudden pressure. “Piper is the reason

“And just how did you reason that out?” Julian said.

He and Nicholas had stayed nearby, listening to the complaints of the girls. It truly did seem unfair, that

they wouldn’t have the chance to be judged. Loudest among them was Olivia, who insisted her


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was the best.

Joyce had pulled out a book and began to read, standing further away than the rest.

“Simple. If she had followed basic orders, I wouldn’t have needed to overcompensate with a more

complicated dish!” Linda said.

I wasn’t sure what about deviled eggs made it a complicated dish, but I knew that if I suggested that,

she would take it as an insult and fire more insults at me.

“Each of our foods was fine,” I said. “Yours simply became too hot in the morning sunlight. If we had

thought to put out some ice.”

“I can’t think of everything,” Linda snapped. “If I had a more competent partner, then none of this would

have happened.”

I stood my ground. “I had nothing to do with your half of the table.”

“Am I supposed to believe that? Maybe it wasn’t the ice that we needed, Piper. Maybe this was your


from the start.”

“What are you talking about?”

Around us the girls began to whisper.