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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 117
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Chapter 0117

I went carefully still. Oh, I was starting to see now, where his anger came from. Dating a commoner

was one thing, a mistake that could be easily forgotten, but for a noble and a commoner to share a

child was a grave error that usually ended in someone’s untimely demise.

The King leaned forward in the chair. “You understand the importance in this, even if you couldn’t

before, yes? You must reveal who the true father is, to clear up this… misunderstanding.”

My thoughts moved in a whirlwind, but I couldn’t think of a lie convincing enough. The truth was, I had

no idea who the baby’s father was. I had thought it might be someone in the underground organization,

but I couldn’t be sure. And I had no names to even begin searching.

Theoretically, only my sister knew the father of her child. Even then, with everything she had been

involved in, I wasn’t sure she could be certain either.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“A royal illegitimate child is a threat to the order of succession. Even if she is not Nicholas’s child, the

perception that she is would be enough to cause ruin under those that wish to rebel against us.”

I understood the danger here. The King would protect his bloodline. If I didn’t say the right thing, Elval

and I both might perish.

“She’s just a little girl,” I said, fear squeezing my chest. I couldn’t get enough air. “Please don’t hurt her.”

“I will have no need to, if you give me a name. One name, Piper. Who is the father of that child?”

What could I say, but the truth? Elva wasn’t mind, but my sister’s. I had no idea who the father was. I

hadn’t been part of my sister’s life since years before, and I only came into it after Elva was already


Julian had told me not to tell anyone. But surely he would understand, if the only other option to truth.

was death

Worse, Elva’s death.


I closed my eyes and wished for Nicholas. I didn’t know where he was, but he swore he would protect

1. us. Where was he when I needed him? Why wasn’t he here?

My only comfort was that he might have been protecting Elva. Yes, if he was with Elva, he would keep

her safe. It didn’t matter what happened to me.

opened my eyes to see the King rise from his chair,

“Now Piper.” He waved for his guards. “Or did I need to arrange for more substantial questioning, I am

trying to be civil. Do not make this difficult”

“Oh ! see I’m interrupting a party in here,” said Julian, suddenly at the door.

The servant there tried to block his path, but Julian masterfully sidestepped him, then twirled to stip

around him.

Julian sauntered casually across the room, not paying much attention to the guards closing in or the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

King with his hands curled into fists on the table.

“Not now, Julian.”

7 was simply looking for Piper. Oh! There she is.” Spotting me, he came to stand behind my chair,

blocking the guards from getting closer. This wasn’t a very good place for hide and seek.”

He tugged at my arm, forcing me up from the chair.

“Wait one minute.” The King growled, waving a finger. “She’s not going anywhere until I get my


Julian looked at me, eyes the very picture of innocence. “What’s the question?”

I opened my mouth, but it was the King who answered, bellowing now.

“Who is the father of that child?!”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Julian said, shrugging.

“It is?” I said softly.

He winked at me, then looked at the King.

“Nicholas is Elva’s dad.”