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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 392
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392: TOWARDS CLARITY ARIEL'S POV I never knew life could get this twisted. Growing up, I always thought life was supposed to be a certain way. I had expectations of what my future would look like, than smooth sailing.

But as I got older, I realized that thing doesn't alway and I never imagined it being anything other go of our live plann There are unexpected twists and turns that can completely change the course And now, looking back, I can see that my life. turns that can completely change the course o was always meant to be like this.

These challenges and obstacles were meant to shapeinto the person I am today. They taughtvaluable lessons and have madestronger and more resilient. I may not have chosen this path for myself, but I have cto accept it and embrace it. I never knew life could get this twisted, but I wouldn't could get this twisted, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

For the two days prior, I had been at the hospital with Luke, refusing to leave his side. Seeing him in that vulnerable state, unable to remember anything, was heartbreaking.

I did my best to help him regain his memories, constantly reminding him of our shared experiences and inside jokes. I told him stories of our adventures and showed him pictures of our happy moments together.

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It was a difficult and emotionally draining experience, but I was determined to help him remember the regain his memories, and we would be able to create new one's together. Until then, I would continue to stand by his side and be his support system through that challenging time.

person he used to be. I knew that with tand patience, he would eventuall I approached Luke's room, and a whirlwind of emotions churned inside me. I took a deep breath to steady e. I took a deep breath to steady myself before pushing the door open. Luke was sitting up in bed, his gaze fixed on sdistant point, lost in thought, I'd say.

"Luke," I said softly, stepping closer to him.

He turned his head slowly, his eyes meeting mine. "Hey," he replied, his voice quiet.

I took a seat beside him on the bed, and technically, my heart was pounding in my chest. "Luke, I have snews," I began, trying to keep my voice kinda steady. Yeah, steady.

He looked atexpectantly, waiting forto continue.

"The doctor said you're physically fit to leave the hospital,” I said, watching his reaction carefully.

An outburst of surprise crossed his face, followed by a hint of confusion. "Leave the hospital? But why? I thought I was supposed to stay here until I remembered everything." I reached out and took his hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Luke, staying here won't necessarily help you regain your memories faster. Sometimes, being in a familiar environment can trigger memories more effectively." your house?" "Our house." I nodded, with a small smile playing on my lips. "Yes, I think it's time. Besides, I've missed having you around the house. And the others have too." He gavea thoughtful look, as if weighing his options. Finally, he let out a sigh and nodded. "Alright then, let's go home." Relief flooded through me, and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. "Thank you, honestly. This means so much to me, and I promise you won't regret this." He heldclose for a moment before pulling away. Yeah, he was still trying to get used to that with me, actually.

"I'm supposed to trust you, right? I mean, there's no way you can lie in a situation like this, right?" I was just smiling at him, staring at his innocent face. I had been lost in his beauty. But then he broughtback to reality as he voiced this for the second time. "Right?" "Oh yeah, right," I responded immediately. "But, Luke, I have to ask you a question." "Ohh," he uttered lowly, looking at me. "You can go on with.... whatever you have to say." "If you were told to marry a lady you don't like, all for the sake of family, would you do that?" Luke becsilent for a moment. But then he finally spoke, "Why are you askingthat?" "Nothing much. It's just a question." He gavea skeptical look. "Are you sure about that?" "Why would you be asking if I'm not sure?" He shook his head. "I don't know. I just feel like..." "There's something to that question?" I cut him off, staring into his eyes.

He looked back atas his hand slowly were, "Well...I can't say anything. I can't cling to my thoughts." "I understand," I replied inaudibly, looking in a different direction.

"But honestly, I wouldn't." I glanced at him right away. "Say what now?" "Can't actually tell, but there's no way I would get married to someone I don't love." "Oh really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What if your grandfather forces you?" Luke let out a deep sigh and looked at me. "Why would he?" Oh shit. Does this man know that his grandfather, Sir Reynold, was no more? I didn't really think so. Since he didn't know me, he must be thinking that Sir Reynold was still alive, living the life.

92. TOWARDS CLARITY 373 Where do I start now? X "Oh, nothing. Nothing, actually," I replied.

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"Hmm, I see. But why would you put my grandfather into this? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Luke, there are a lot of things that I haven't told you. Bu, but not going to but not stress that s on tabout then yeah, don't do 'he told me, and we becsilent for about a minute. But the stillness was broken the moment Luke asked, “When are we leaving?" "Anytyou want," I answered and looked at him. He raised an eyebrow atwith a knowing look.

"Anytime," I told him, widening my eyes this time. He chuckled before turning his face away.

So, he we were, both of us in my car, Luke had already changed his outfit, now putting on a grey shirt with a pair of jeans, which I brought for him. We had I * Our seatbelts on, and I was ready to hit to the road.

"So, I guess you're ready for this?" I brought out, fixing my hands on the steering wheel.

"Ready for what?" He asked, faking a confused face.

"Our journey. We have a lot of things to talk about, mister." Luke breathed out deeply and closed his eyes. "Right now, I don't even want to talk. I just need to process this whole thing as soon as possible, and I need to know where I stand?? • It's reall

fucked up, you know. I have no idea how I got married. You're right here, tellingthis and that, and I'm just here, confused, trying to get... everything."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I get it, Luke. It's a lot to take in all at once. But just know that I'm here for you every step of the way. We'll figure this out together." He glanced atbriefly. "Honestly, I don't really know what to say, but thanks. I really appreciate your support." I smiled at him. “Anytime, Luke. Now, let's get you hand settled in.”