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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 338
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338: CLASH OF TITANS ARIEL'S POV | couldn’t believe who | was seeing or what the heck | was witnessing at the moment. The person that | would never want to be seen with or get close to. However, she was present in this room, mocking my condition with a smirk, and | was powerless to stop her.

“You? What the hell are you doing here? How did you get to this hospital?” | asked Harriet, who still had that irritating smirk on her face.

She was wearing the nurse outfit; she had a mask on the moment she arrived, but she took it off anyway. All of this made it look like she was working in the hospital.

“I ask again. How did you get in here? | snarled at Harriet, who had not givena response to my first question.

But instead, she carried on with her good-for-nothing expression.

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“Calm down, Ariel. You don’t have to scream so loud for the people in this building to hear you.” | “How did you know that | was here?” Harriet shrugged nonchalantly. “Well, | have my ways.” “Leave now,” | told her bitterly. My eyes stirred at the door before | set them back on Harriet.

She chuckled, clearly making fun of me. “What are you going to do? Are you going to beatup? You're going to slap me? Will you strangle the living soul out of me?” Glaring at the baboon, | was about to fire back at her, but she interrupted me.

“Wait, wait, wait, hold on, Ariel. It seems like you're forgetting one thing. But letjust remind you about the condition you're in currently. | just hope it stays with you for the rest of your miserable life.” *Thanks for the hard comments. You can get your hideous face out of here.” “Right, how amazing is that? Cfrom the idiot who has sscars on her face.” “You're a worthless piece of trash, Harriet.” “You do know | can murder you now, right?” “Go ahead. “Do you think I'm scared of you?” | looked her dead in the eyes, both of us exchanging blank expressions. “Do what you want to do, Harriet. No one’s stopping you.” “That's going to be nice, actually. It’s as if they are drawing nearer to you and trying to choke you to death. You look miserable anyway. | probably shouldn't waste my twith you.” “Do what you have to do. Now that you still have the chance, Because if you spareright here, right now, you're going to be making the biggest mistake of your life.” “Ariel, just zip it. Shut that mouth of yours. You talk sh*t like you're not scared of death.” “I might be scared of death. But I'm not scared of you. So if you're going to kill me, you better do that now that you still have the chance.” Harriet didn’t givea good face one bit. Her expression was somehow filled with disbelief. “Are you out of your mind?” “Why are you askingthat?” “Because you keep on talking nonsense,” she responded.

“You're supposed to be begging for mercy, not spitting shit.” “Sorry, actually, but there is no way. There is absolutely no way in this motherfucking world, and when | say it, | mean it. There's no way I'm going to beg you for sh*t or whatever. So | suggest you erase that thought out of your fucking head.” “I love how you're so bold. The way you talk, there is no single fear at all. It’s actually shocking, since you're useless in that worthless condition. Not everyone is as courageous as you. So, | got to give you five stars on this one. But just a simple piece of advice: learn how to shut that mouth of yours.” | couldn’t hold back a laugh. “Nice advice, Harriet. But | don’t need it. You can keep your stupid thoughts to yourself.” “So, tell me.“How did you do it?” Harriet just threw up a weird question all of a sudden.

It causedto look at her in confusion. “Do what?” “How did you kill Mason?” She crossed her arms, givingthis question.

“Hold on a minute, you think I killed Mason? “You seriously think | murdered that idiot.” “Duhbh, it’s pretty clear.” “No, it's not, you dopehead,” | spat incontinently. “I did not kill Mason. Okay? Get that through that thick skull of yours.” Harriet glared at me, ignoring the last comment as she asked, “If not you, then who?” “I don’t know. Probably someone who hated him as much as | did. Fuck it, why am | even talking to you?” “Because you can you can’t help it. You try so much to be like me-to be cruel and heartless-but you keep on failing. Just accept the facts, Ariel. You can never be like me.” “You're right, Harriet. | can never be like you. You are a monster; I'm not. | might be a monster to you because you deserve it. But | am no monster. There's no way I'm going to start ending the lives of Innocent souls. You are a lunatic, Harriet. You are a goddamn lunatic.” “I'm glad you acknowledged that. Harriet smirked at me, moving slowly. “And what does a lunatic do?” She raised her brows, letting her question hang in the air.

With my brows furrowed in rage, | refused to give her an answer, letting her display her stupidity. Yeah, she was one stupid b*tch.

“No answer, Ariel?” | sighed, averting my gaze from her hideous countenance.

“Okay, fine. Ill tell you.” “I don’t want to hear Just got the hell out of here!” | barked.

“A lunatic ends the lives of her enemies. She makes them suffer. She tortures them day and night, crushes their bones and makes them scream in agony. She doesn’t let them wear a smile on their faces. When happiness comes their way, she quickly snatches it from them.” you “Are yourself?” done talking?” | asked her after a moment of silence. “Are you done making a fool out of “I'm only telling you how I'll bring Thore into your miserable life.”

“You've already started. Just finish it.” | spoke coldly, giving her a face brimming with lividity. “Bitch,” | added.

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Harriet’s sour expression materialized. “How rude of you, Ariel.” “Shut that mouth of yours and get the hell out of here!” “Enough!” Harriet snapped. “I've had enough of you and your nonsense.” “It took you long enough.”

Harriet dipped her hand in her pocket, and behold, she brought a honed dagger out. Evidently, that object was razor-sharp simply by its appearance. | could say it was trenchant enough to slice off someone's head Well, Ariel Walker, Ariel Reynold, was not terrified of this moron standing in front of her.

Harriet, who had the baleful look on her face, kept on walking in my direction, her hand lifted up as she still had a hold of the dagger.

Well, this was actually a tough scene, but what could | do? | gould only see how it was going to end . But | had the felting hat Harriet wasn't going to be successful in this one. ‘Failure! That had been her nicknfrom the start.

As Harriet got closer, | closed my eyes, bracing myself for whatever was about to happen. And all of a sudden, we heard a knock on the door.