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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2933
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Imogen wished she could reach through the phone and slap Domingo across the face. What good did his grandiose words do now? If only he had laid off her a bit in the past, things wouldn't have escalated to this mess.

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And now, pretending to care about his daughter? As if Regina's life was his to gamble with? She was the esteemed Miss Tanner, now married into the Harris family, the matriarch of the Harris Empire. What right did Domingo think he had to lay a finger on her? Imogen's breathing was uneven, her voice ragged as she spoke, "If you don't believe me, just wait for your daughter's screams. | can't save her. Her fate is in your hands now. Anyway, I'm already carrying Francis' child.

Without Madeline, | can still have another, but can you?" Nolan had to admit, he was somewhat impressed by Imogen. Even in such dire straits, she didn't forget to show her loyalty to Francis, making sure he knew she was on his side. It was no small feat.

Domingo was pacing frantically on the other end of the line, clearly having heard Madeline's screams through the phone.

He couldn't understand. Madeline was fine when she left him; how could Imogen stand idly by, watching her own daughter suffer? "What are you doing? Trying to use Madeline to blackmail me? Can't you just handle those people? What kind of mother are you?" "And what kind of father are you? You think you're helping her, but you're actually harming her. Just let Regina go, and we'll end this here. Forget any future favors Madeline might ask of you. Pretend you never knew us. Stop disturbing our lives, Domingo!" Imogen's words hit him hard. He finally understood that by leaving, their relationship had truly ended. Now she was Francis' wife, utterly disconnected from him.

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What did their daughter matter in the grand scheme? Madeline was now a Tanner, raised by the Tanner family, with no ties to him, Domingo.

Feeling disheartened, he asked, "Can't | do this one last thing for my daughter?" Imogen panicked, fearing he might lash out at Regina in anger.

"Madeline's life is in your hands now. Just tellwhat will happen to Regina. One day, Madeline will thank you for saving her life." Nolan waited anxiously for Domingo's response.

Thankfully, Domingo wasn't completely unreasonable and eventually revealed the location where they were planning to act.

Nolan didn't waste a second at the Tanner Mansion, rallying a large force to storm the location, while also notifying the police to apprehend the gang.

As the black-clad figures retreated, Imogen stumbled towards the wooden door. But upon opening it, she found Madeline, bound and gagged. If her mouth was sealed, then whose scream had she heard? A chill ran through her as she hurried over, yanking the cloth from her daughter's mouth.