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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 984
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Chapter 984 Mansion Wynter clenched the newspaper, and her eyes darkened slightly. Her great-great-grandpa had left something for her.

During her previous encounter with the formation, she had mentioned to Gordon Quinnell that she was from the future. Therefore, whatever he referred to was likely in the present world.

What puzzled Wynter was why Fabian had never mentioned anything about this if her great-great-grandpa did leave something for her.

Although Fabian had shown her sfamily heirlooms and Gordon's belongings, there had been nothing specifically meant for her.

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Out of nowhere, Wynter suddenly had a thought. The Earthbound Formation could be related to Gordon. Every item within the formation was there for a reason.

Additionally, the Earthbound Formation's entrance was located near Declan, who had always been under the family's ancestral protection. With this realization, Wynter carefully put away the newspaper, The others around Wynter didn't understand why she treasured a piece of newspaper so much. But those who were scared remained silent, while those who had tasks to finish continued their work.

Though there was no signal in the Earthbound Formation, a smartphone was still incredibly useful as a camera.

Wynter's trip to the mountain had another purpose besides gathering herbs. She needed to gather sintelligence. She planned to take the Savior with her.

Zayden was very worried when they were prepared to leave. "Young lady, letgo with you. The enemy might cthis way." "No need," Wynter replied as she skillfully tucked a gun into her waistband. "Stay here and keep an eye on them, especially those two. If they show any signs of trouble, knock them out." Zayden was taken aback when he saw Wynter deftly assemble and disassemble the gun. She seemed even more skilled than him.

Wynter carried a bag filled with clothes she had taken from Phoebe. Zayden didn't understand what Wynter was trying to do, and she had left too quickly.

The enemies had concentrated their attacks in the mountain's direction. However, Wynter avoided danger with ease with her professional movements, Whitley, who was following her, was also rather uncanny. It seemed as if the bullets inexplicably just couldn't hit him.

Nevertheless, things are starting to seem more optimistic. There were finally people who could tend to the wounded.

Zayden didn't stay idle either. With Myla absent, he had to take even greater care of these logistical tasks. Chapter 984 Mansion 12 Wynter checked her phone's battery after passing the firing zone. It was at 70%, which was enough. Whitley seemed to sense Wynter's concerns and said, “Judging by the scent I picked up in the plaza, the person who took Wolf didn't have malicious intent. They seemed to be like me-a Savior." A Savior took Wolf? Wynter's gaze was unreadable, but her worries had indeed lessened significantly.

Wynter wanted to focus on the task at hand. Since she had already entered the formation, she wanted to solve her current problems first. "Let's go to a higher ground." Wynter observed her surroundings before supporting herself up from the ground.

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Meanwhile, outside the Earthbound Formation...

Instead of a mansion, it better resembled a relic that no one dared to visit. It was located deep within Mount Etna.

Everyone knew about Mount Etna from a few rescue news stories! The mountain was shrouded in mist due to its unique geographical location. Moreover, the deeper one went, the more damp and eerie it became. It was pitch black with no sunlight.

It was possible to be very close to the edge of the forest, but once inside, people would inexplicably lose their sense of direction.

Additionally, the drastic temperature changes due to the special om environment could cause a person to experience hypothermia once they entered. Act Fast: Free Bonus Tis Run X