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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159 Something Fishy About Daltor's Blood Wynter was still playing with the purple sugilite pendant she had obtained from Dalton in the clinic in Waterview Alley.

Something fell off that day. It wasn't just her intermittent explosive disorder; there was also this piece of purple sugilite that seemed oddly familiar to her.

If her memory served right, this pendant should be hers, so how did it end up being Dalton's personal possession? Feeling confused, Wynter rubbed her temple with her fingers, her eyes shimmering faintly.

Though only sfragmented images, she was gradually recollecting her memories now. But it still required stime.

Wynter hung the purple sugilite pendant back to her waist, her fingertips grazing her I*ps.

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She couldn't help but wonder what exactly the blood of that patient of hers had that could make her act so abnormally.

After all, Wynter's medical skills were honed by using herself as a lab rat she had tried both good and bad medicines on herself.

Not to mention that her cultivation of Zenith herbs had made her immune to all kinds of toxins.

Unless... there was more than just toxin on Dalton.

Wynter's slender fingers rhythmically tapped on the table, her l*ps curled slightly. "Interesting." Dalton was indeed someone marked by the Grim Reaper.

Wynter wondered who the Grim Reaper favored more, Dalton or the scion of the Yarwood family. But one thing was certain: no one could take away the person she decided to save.

Wynter lowered her gaze, reorganizing her treatment plan once again.

Meanwhile, Wanda, who had been driven away, still harbored resentment.

Sitting in the car, she pounded the steering wheel again and again, her glare vicious.

"I knew we shouldn't have kept Wynter from the start. Look at her, she won't stop until she ruins our family! Feeling the pain in his back, Ewan's eyes glimmered with a hint of perplexity.

Back then, no matter how he had badly behaved, Margret would still care about him even when he had irritated her.

Yet, Margaret had shown no signs of concern for him at all a moment ago.

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"I'm talking to you. Don't you have anything to say?" Wanda pinched Ewan's arm. "Stop spacing out!" Ewan frowned and asked, "Don't you think something was off about the old lady?" "She's just grown more stubborn, that's all." Wanda scoffed. "Now that she's got her live stream, she doesn't give a damn about us anymore. How ridiculous!" The more Ewan listened, the more annoyed he felt. “That's my mother you're talking. I've told you not to go too far before, but did you listen? No, and you drove her back into the alley!"

"Me, go too far?" Wanda's face flushed with anger. "Remember how arrogant your mother used to be?! She was old but still refused to let you take over the company, saying that you would end up ruining the Yates Group with your pitiful management skills. "If she hadn't caused someone dead during the treatment, she might still be as arrogant now. And your wouldn't have lived so luxurious as you are now!" Waving his hand, Ewan said, "Why do you have to bring up the past?" "If I don't bring it up, you might have forgotten all about it by now. And don't forget that you agreed to let Margaret move out of our house too," Wanda sald with a cold smile.

"If she hadn't made that sacrifice back then, could the people have let go of the Yates Group that easily?" Wanda suddenly laughed and said, "Ah, yes. How could I forget? Margaret has caused someone's death. Yet, she's doing a live stream now..." She then took out her phone to make a call.

Ewan pressed her hand, looking weary. “Forget it. The young man who cto see Wynter today isn to see someone to be messed with.

Although I don't know who he is, he seems dangerous."

"What powerful friends could Wynter possibly have? Wanda sneered. "If he's really someone powerful, then he would have cby car. But I didn't see any cars at the entrance when we left the alley just now. He's probably spoor guy Wynter had known from somewhere. He didn't even wear any brand on him, for crying out loud!"