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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147 Mr. Yarwood's Jealousy She had plenty of ways to tarnish someone's reputation online Dalton cast a meaningful glance at Ethan before shifting his gaze.

As Dalton's personal bodyguard, Ethan grasped his implicit instruction to trail Wanda.

Yet, Wynter astutely intercepted him with a gentle smile. “Grandma said to let them go." Ethan hesitated before looking up.

"Listen to her," Dalton calmly instructed.

Max was completely taken aback, pondering when Dalton had ever heeded others' words, He couldn't shake off his curiosity about Wynter's background, Wynter nibbled on a piece of candy and said, “I believe in forgiveness, and everyone deserves a chance to change for the better." "Oh?" Dalton raised an eyebrow, twirling the beads on his wrist as he expressed clear skepticism toward her words.

Wynter was indeed lying; she didn't want Ethan to ruin the plan.

For Wanda, the prospect of losing everything was even more daunting than losing her life.

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"You're doubting me," Wynter deliberately shifted the topic, and she gracefully tossed a bag of candy to Dalton. "Thanks for earlier. Your beads are quite lovely." Dalton looked at the candy in his hand and casually popped one into his m*uth.

Max was dumbfounded; he had never seen Dalton have such a conversation with anyone.

And Wynter didn't seem afraid of Dalton at all.

He was incredibly surprised and began to ponder further about Wynter's true identity.

Wynter glanced at Max, who was still sizing her up. She raised an eyebrow inquisitively and asked, "What seems to be ailing you?" Dalton's suggestion of treatment served as a cover. Having flown back from Emstia on a private plane the previous day, Dalton's intentions had left Max puzzled.

However, he likely understood them now. Max nodded proudly. "I've got a backache." "A backache?" Wynter glanced at his round belly. "Then cin." Chapter 147 Mr. Yarwood's Jealousy 2/3 Margaret was visibly upset.

Wynter approached Margaret and said, "Grandma, there's someone here for a consultation." Margaret gazed at Wynter, her eyes suddenly welling up with tears as she reached out to touch her face. "My dear, you've sacrificed so much for me." If Wynter hadn't brought it up today, Margaret wouldn't have known that Ewan and Wanda had actually kicked her out.

"Grandma, it's all in the past," Wynter said. Today, she lost control. It had been a while since her intermittent explosive disorder flared up. Yet, the constant rain in Southdale had been irritating, and it triggered her outburst. "I won't behave like this again." Margaret felt sorry for her. "I'm not blaming you. It's those who are disrespectful who deserve reprimand, not you..." Luckily, Margaret didn't mention in front of everyone that Wynter might need to restaking her medication. While others may have remained oblivious, the perceptive Dalton quickly picked up on the unusual atmosphere, and a flash of mystery crossed his eyes.

The more outspoken neighbors couldn't resist asking, "Wynter, is it true that a big shot is here today?" Despite their curiosity, they didn't doubt Wynter's character. They acknowledged her as a genuinely good person, albeit a bit lacking in academics.

After all, imperfections were simply part of being human.

"Yes, indeed," Wynter admitted. "It's Mr. Hilton. He's the one you see on TV. He cto Southdale with an interest in investing in pharmaceuticals. After stumbling upon my live stream, he found the Empathy Clinic promising and made the decision to invest in us.” Everyone exclaimed at the news.

"I've seen him around. Several media outlets have interviewed him," someone remarked.

"They say he's from the capital! He's rich!" another neighbor chimed in.

"Then our alley will surely benefit! Mrs. Yates Senior, don't forget to invite them all to my restaurant for a barbecue!" the barbecue shop owner interjected.

"Didn't Wynter just bring them to your place earlier?" the vegetable stall owner teased.

The neighbors were in high spirits as they chatted.

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Chapter 147 Mr. Yarwood's Jealousy 3/3 Suddenly, a slightly deep voice whispered in Wynter's ear, "Did you agree to his investment? Chapter 148 Dalton's Dual Sentiments "Indeed, I did," Wynter replied nonchalantly, paying little mind to his question.

Dalton, however, subtly frowned. Wynter had turned down his investment offer but accepted Mr. Hilton's.

He chuckled softly, then leaned closer to her. The scent of medicine, mingled with the crispair, reached Wynter's nose. It was as if the cool weather had made his presence equally cold. "Why not choose me?" he asked.

A flicker of confusion crossed her eyes as she glanced at him. Still, she offered a straightforward explanation. "The WelkinCorporation's upcoming projects align better with the pharmaceutical sector. Plus, the Quinnell family's businesses are mostly international. It's not suited for traditional medicine." The words sounded perfectly reasonable.

Dalton's smile deepened, but his eyes remained cold and distant. He absentmindedly played with the beads on his wrist. "You're correct," he replied. "The Quinnell family isn't compatible with traditional medicine." But he wasn't a Quinnell, and the Welkin Corporation had been actively seeking foreign investment lately.

As Wynter's dishonesty grew, it raised questions. Did she feel distant from him, or did she simply see him as a patient? Dalton lowered his gaze, yet he exuded an air of danger and melancholy.

Ethan sensed Dalton's displeasure, but he couldn't quite grasp the reason behind it.

As Max stepped into the pharmacy, he couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, these cabinets are like something out of a historical ! Is this the essence of traditional medicine that's been passed down for centuries?" As he observed the counter's layout, he couldn't help but admire it. Pointing at the scale for weighing medicine, he inquired, "Dr. Genius, do you sell that? I'll pay any price for it." Without even lifting her head to see what he was pointing at, Wynter replied curtly, "Not for sale." Max's excitement waned, but then an idea sparked in his mind. "I heard you're looking for investment for this clinic. I can invest!" Surely, as a shareholder, he could get what he wanted.