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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131 The Sweet Defensive Shield When someone approached him a while ago, he felt a shiver down his spine. He thought the newcomer had done something wrong. However, it turned out they were there to issue a certificate.

Glancing at the numbers on the screen, he was shocked into silence by what he saw.

The moderator was almost overwhelmed with joy when he noticed that the newcomer had smoothly amassed two hundred thousand dollars in tips just two days into streaming.

Yet, the new streamer he was responsible for remained unusually calm.

"Thank you for the gifts, Mr. Yarwood. However, your generosity is overwhelming. I feel undeserving of such lavish rewards," Wynter expressed.

One of her supporters, Starry, remarked, "The streamer seems unenthusiastic." single24forever commented, "She has always been like this. She prioritizes treating patients.

Another supporter of hers, Baby Tody, exclaimed, "Anyway, you're fantastic!" Dalton sat calmly on the private jet. He was clad in all black attire and had a neatly arranged lunch by his side.

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He accepted the towel handed to him by the bodyguard, after which he leisurely observed. the flurry of comments in the live stream.

It dawned on him that he had logged in with the company's official account.

After a brief pause, he typed a line as Emperor VIP Sir Yarwood. "Thank you for the reminder last time. The medicinal incense has indeed been tested and id to be toxic." Wynter understood his motives and offered a faint smile. “In that case, I'll accept these two hundred thousand dollars," she said.

Emperor VIP Sir Yarwood's reply cin shortly. "You deserve it.' The live stream erupted once again.

"What's happening? Does Mr. Yarwood know the streamer personally?" someone in the live chat queried.

"Why is this Emperor VIP different from the others I've seen? Why can he type in black font? "another viewer typed.

"Could it be because he hasn't spent much money and is not a high-ranker?" someone questioned in the live chat.

Dalton's generous tip caused a stir among the platform's top management.

George Wallow, the head of operations, wiped his brow. "Is this truly Mr. Yarwood?" he pondered aloud.

Louise Lawson, who was responsible for content, shook her head. "Well, I wouldn't dare ask! Who has the nerve to do so? No one dared to question the identity of Emperor VIP Sir Yarwood. However, it was undeniable that this newcomer from Empathy Clinic boasted an impressive background.

Wynter also added, “Mr. Yarwood, it would be wise to be more cautious with your female friends" Dalton smiled wryly at her remark. Twirling his beads absentmindedly, he pondered whom else he should be cautious of as her fake boyfriend.

Ethan was also present in the livestream. "Sir, it's wise to heed the words of Dr. Genius," he advised.

Dalton's expression hardened as he removed the bracelet from his wrist. Lifting his dark eyes, he demanded, "Investigate Lydia's close friends." While he had no female friends, Lydia had plenty.

After instructing Ethan, Dalton then proceeded to send ten meteor showers in the live stream.

He typed, "This is the consultation fee." "I want a consultation fee as generous as this!" a viewer, RockingRic..


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"Am I the only one who finds it sweet that Mr. Yarwood only watches this streamer and not others?" another viewer, Dream Dream, wondered.

"I've noticed that too, and the streamer is his only follower!" remarked smiley_twin.

"He even gave the streamer à defensive shield! How generous!" another viewer, prosperity love, commented.

A defensive shield had a value of a hundred grand, and everyone@duldn't help but admire Dalton's generosity. The cadre who were brainstorming on what gifts to give to Wynter were really upset.

Chapter 131 The Sweet Defensive Shield 3/3

Addressing Dom, they exclaimed, "What's with this Emperor VIR? How can we match the gifts he has Er bought?" Jackson frowned and commented, "Kids these days really don't know manners." Zach also voiced his discontent. "Thankfully, Wynter didn't fall for his tricks. Still, he's a jerk!” "Absolutely!" the cadre nodded in agreement.

Dom nervously wiped his brow.

As the defensive shield was activated, the platform-wide notifications ensued.

Suddenly, the Empathy Clinic emerged on the homepage, becoming the hottest rising streamer!

As Larry Hilton woke up for a scheduled meeting in Southdale's business community, he casually ve scrolled through his phone in bed. Suddenly, something on the screen. caught his attention, and he shot up into a sitting position.