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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 126
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Chapter 127 The Person Wolf Dislikes The fish were too fragile. What did he have to do with their deaths? Margaret was confused too. "Why is it that all the animals go to heaven when you go to the market? Wolf took a bite from the toast he had bought and raised his head to look at her.

Margaret was helping him change after he and Wynter returned.

"Never mind," she said. "It's just a few barrels of fish." Quirking an eyebrow, Wynter glanced at the crabs in the bucket which had froth. spilling from their m*uths.

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"Grandma, the fish aren't the only ones who suffered,” she said.

Margaret felt an impending headache. She pinched Wolf's arm and said, "You'd better hide them all. Don't let Ruth see them!" But it was too late as Ruth had already rushed over to their place after just a couple of minutes.

"Where's Wolf?" she shouted. Ruth was plump, so she looked even more foreboding with her arms on her hips.

Wolf wanted to surrender, but Wynter pressed on his head so that he couldn't get up from where he was hiding. Wolf thought was worried that Ruth would create trouble for Margaret.

Wynter glanced at him and whispered, "These two old ladies are just going to argue with each other. It's no big deal. Besides, Grandma needed to be occupied with something so that she can relax and not be so upset." Ruth carried on with her rant. "Mrs. Yates Senior, I'm not a petty person, you know. But that brat, Wolf, killed all the seafood that I imported. All of them!” Margaret tried to comfort Ruth by saying, "I know. I won't charge you if you cfor a massage this month." Ruth said, "Actually, Wynter paidback already." Margaret laughed. "Of course, she did. But I still have to apologize to you. Wolf's a reckless kid. We're lucky that our neighbors don't mind it that much." Back when Wolf first arrived, he scared all the neighbors' hens to death. Despite that, none of the neighbors created a fuss out of it.

Ruth glanced around the compound and asked, "Are you sure you won't chargefor the massage? Susan toldthat your parlor's pretty popular these days." She added, "Influencers and celebrities might even chere to get a massage someday!" "Letgive you a massage first," said Margaret. "You have to be careful with your hands when you carry all those seafood." Ruth smiled sheepishly. "Wynter gave us smedicine when she went to the market just now. She was especially worried about me." She continued, "Zayne's a useless brat! If only he'd married Wynter, we could be in- laws already." Wolf raised his head in shock. "You? Marrying yourself off?" he signed, to which Wynter told him, "Ruth didn't mean it. What are you so excited about? Wolf's shoulders drooped at her response.

Margaret then said, "I'll let you in on this. Wynter already has a boyfriend." "She has a boyfriend already?" Ruth was astonished. “Who is it?" Margaret chuckled in delight. “It's that handsguy who chere just two days ago." "So he's the one!" Ruth gave it sthought and exclaimed, "Wonderful! They're a perfect match! Wynter's pretty, and he's good-looking enough for her!" Wolf turned to look at Wynter. "A boyfriend?" he signed. "That guy?" Wynter flicked his forehead and said, "I only said that to make Grandma happy." "No can do!" Wolf gestured. “He's dangerous!" Wynter found Wolf's response interesting, so she asked, "Why do you hate him so Chapter 127. The Person Wolf Dislikes much?" Wolf puffed out his ch*eks in anger. "I don't know! My gut tellsso!"

Wynter pinched his face and fell into deep thought. A person who could give Wolf a bad feeling must be someone with wealth and power. So, she had to cherish him.

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Wolf wasn't aware that his resistance had created exactly the oppositen effect that he wanted. He carried on gesturing to Wynter to make her listen to him. However, Wynter started scrolling on her phone. She signed a contract via the live-streaming platform.

At 9:30 a.m. the next morning, she got ready for a livestream at Waterview Alley. The moment she went online, comments flooded her screen.

"Finally! I've waited for an entire day for this," said Starry.

Corporateslave said, "I'm lazing around, watching this live stream during working hours. Is this the Dr. Miracle we've always talked about? Why doesn't he reveal his face to us?" "I did a checkup. The doctor said I'm lucky to have discovered my condition earlier," typed studylover123.

"Are you the guy who was the first to join the voice chat yesterday, right? Are you okay now?" asked wanderlust_soul.

"Yes, I'm recovering, replied studlover123 "Tsk tsk. That's good acting for you," commented lovestruck.