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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 A Special Patient Wynter Immediately took action and pixelated the young girl's face. She then spoke clearly, "I hope everyone will respect others' privacy, especially children." Alexandraking commented, "Don't worry, we won't screenshot this." Dancewithpaula added, “That's right. Please ask the child what's wrong." Everyone had a bad feeling. But Wynter didn't continue. Looking at the comments, she said, “I'll contact this patient in private. Please givea moment." Wynter turned off her mic to protect the patient's privacy. With that, the number of viewers in the livestream grew more and more! It grew from 20 thousand to 60 thousand. She was famous! Though there was no sound in the livestream, nobody left.

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Wynter went to the private chat and contacted the young girl. "Hi there! When did you start feeling the pain? Do you remember what happened before you felt the pain? The young girl seemed to be trying to remember. "Yesterday, my uncle boughta toy and coaxedto sleep. Then he said he wanted to play a gwithand that I wasn't allowed to tell my mom, "I listened to him. But the gwasn't fun at all. It was painful forafter it's over!" Wynter observed the expression on the girl's face. Her eyes grew darker. "Is your mom by your side?" The girl nodded. "Yes." With a smile, Wynter comforted her. “Can you tellwhat's your name?" The girl grinned. "My nis Hope. My mom says that I bring hope to her life." Wynter then adjusted the eamera and showed the girl her face. "Hope, there is so much love in your name.

The girl widened her eyes. "You're so pretty!" Wynter remained smiling. “You're very pretty as well. Hope, could you wake your mom up? We have to let your mom know about your illness, or she'll get worried." The girl was hesitant. "But my uncle said that they'd fight if I told my mom about it. I don't want them to fight, nor do I want my mom to be upset." Schildren were a little slower than the others, but that didn't mean that they couldn't understand anything. In fact, they were usually the most sensitive to adults' emotions.

"What are you doing, Hope?" The owner of the phone seemed to have woken up. From her sleepy voice, it sounded like she was smiling. "You're watching cartoons on my phone again, aren't you?" Anxious, the girl was about to hang up. But before she could, Wynter spoke up. Hello, Madam." "You" She then saw a woman in her early thirties appear on the screen. "Hope, who is this?" Wynter introduced herself. "I'm a doctor who's doing a livestream." Doctor? Livestream? The woman was still in a daze. "Sorry, maybe my daughter pressed something by accident." Wynter sounded professional. “She accidentally clicked into my livestream. But I'm glad that she did. Since you're her mother, I think you need to hear this." The woman looked at her daughter, who was in her arms and didn't dare to meet her

eyes. She then glanced at the beautiful lady on the screen again.

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е "What happened?"

Wynter didn't answer her first.

Instead, she stared at the young girl. "Hope, if you don't tell your mom now, she'll regret not finding out about this earlier. She'll even

blthis on herself. Before you leadult, grow up to becan adult, there are things you have to face together with your mom." Hearing that, the woman's face paled. She clutched onto the phone. "What's going on? Tell me!"