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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104 Wynter's Ability to Hide Things Looking at the old withered passbook, Wynter said, “Grandma, I have my own money." "You did. But now that you're kicked out of the house, those people in that family would certainly cut your credit card off." Margaret caressed her long hair. "You just want to makehappy, don't you?" Wynter remained smiling. “Grandma, I-” But before Wynter could finish her sentence, Margaret's old phone started ringing. It was loud and piercing.

Margaret glanced at the caller ID. The warmth in her eyes faded. She was just about to get up and answer the call without the children being around.

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Wynter was smart enough to guess who it was. "Is it Wanda?" Realizing that she couldn't hide it from the two of them, Margaret could only nod.

Wynter smiled a little. “Just answer the phone, Grandma. Wolf and I have grown up already. We'll be with you if anything happens." Hearing what her granddaughter said, Margaret's heart was warmed. She suddenly felt energized. She picked up the call even though she didn't want to in the first place.

"Ha, you've finally picked up the call. People would've assumed that our daughter-in-law hasn't been treating you well." Wanda's sharp and sarcastic voice cthrough the phone. "The Weissman family contactedjust now. They said that you asked them to lend you smoney so that you could reopen the clinic. They askedif they should lend the money to you.

Wanda snickered. "Mom, have you forgotten about how a patient died because of your treatment?" Margaret's fingers started to tremble. Her voice was low. That has nothing to do with you." "Nothing to do with me?" Wanda becangry. "Are you trying to help that fake granddaughter of yours out? You're such a funny old woman. Instead of helping your actual granddaughter, you're doing it for the fake one!" Margaret took a deep breath. "To me, Wynter is just like my own granddaughter!" "Do whatever you want with that fake granddaughter of yours. I'm just calling to tell you to not ask others to lend you money by using Ewan's name." Wanda was having a facial treatment. The skin-brightening injection cost 10 thousand per tube. She had to remain in a good mood.

"The Weissman family won't lend you five thousand dollars. Since you're getting older by the day, shouldn't you write up a will to give Yvette that courtyard of yours? It's been such a long tsince your granddaughter has returned. Don't you think it's embarrassing that you haven't done anything for her?" Her sarcastic tone made Margaret clutch the phone so hard that her fingers turned red. “You guys are well-off now and you don't need my courtyard. Don't callever again, or won't let you off this easily!" "Wow, Mom. You think so highly of yourself, don't you? We'll see how you won't letoff then." Wanda sneered. "How will you even manage to promote that shabby little massage place of yours?" "We'll see what happens then." Out of nowhere, the voice on the call changed. It was cold and concise. It was Wynter. She took the old phone from Margaret. There was nothing but iciness in her eyes.

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That made Wanda's face turn cold. "Wynter, I've explained everything to you in a nice way and have raised you for so many years. In the end, you're still helping this poor old lady to fightoff. all "I don't care what sort of ideas you have. You're free to scam that old lady's money you want. But don't ever appear in front ofor Yvette again!" After that, Wanda hung up in anger.

She was extremely dissatisfied. As long as she didn't agree to it, nobody in Riverburg would dare to end e aretoenam money to that poor old hag! She'd wait and watch how those two poor women would manage to reopen the Empathy Clinic! Chapter 104 Wynter's Ability to Hide Things

In the courtyard, Margaret had managed to stop her hands from m trembling. She put herd phone aside. Wynter, don't worry about the money. Grandma will think of al way for you. I'll make sure you and Wolf get to attend school." Right after she said that, she received a message. It was sent from the Weissman family. They apologized and said that things had been hard for them, so they didn't have money to lend to her.