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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 1175
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Still, Larry sighed feebly as he began, "I happen to meet that woman on a business trip in Talnam. S-She con to me, goadinginto investing into two pieces of land that she said would make a lot of money. I fell for it, and she bailed onjust a few days ago, while taking a huge chunk of my company's properties with her..." Larry coughed violently, clearly choking with rage even as he finished, "I-I wouldn't have been worried about Lanecorp's rise if not for that..." "I see." Frank nodded at Larry's words, realizing with a start.

Larry said he met Juno in Talnam... So she was Talnamese? "B-By the way, Mr. Lawrence..." Seeing that Frank was interested in Juno, Larry, bent on survival, quickly added, "That woman is allergic to lilies... and severely, I might add." "Severely allergic to lilies?" Frank murmured as he made a mental note—it seemed that he was right, choosing to spare Larry and ask him about Juno.

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While Larry might be lying, it was pointless at this point, since Frank could easily verify his words.

"Good. I will spare you since you've been honest." Frank snorted. "You just might survive if you can get yourself to a hospital in half an hour." As Frank turned to leave, Larry gritted his teeth as he pushed himself to his feet with considerable difficulty, even bowing gratefully at Frank.

"Thank you for sparing my life... Argh!" He suddenly gasped as he felt a heartrending agony from the back and turned to find Peter glaring viciously at him.

It seemed Peter had picked up a knife one of Larry's goons dropped when he fled and seized the right moment to stab Larry in the back, killing him.

"Peter!" Frank was incensed when he turned and saw that.

He actually had his reasons for sparing Larry, only for Peter to kill him with a literal backstab.

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Talk about heinous! Without another word, Frank strode up and broke one of Peter's arms, bellowing furiously, "I spared you for your sister's sake, only for you to do something so despicable! This s what you deserve, and I will skin you if you stray out of line again!" "O-Okay!!!" Peter was sweating profusely in agony, but he did not et dare to argue since Frank could kill him with just a snap of his fingers.

Still, he was grinning crazily when he saw that Larry was dead as a doornail—an arm for his life? It was certainly a fair trade! And even as he watched Frank leave, there was a flicker of savageness despite his fawning expression...

After that, Peter led Frank to the place where Helen was abducted, and Frank rushed inside to free her of his restraints.

Despite her initial panic, Helen did not spare tto ask after Frank or what had happened during their business meeting with Juno.

W Instead, she leapt out of bed, slapping Peter across the face audibly, sending him stumbling sideways.

"You... despicable prick!" Helen snarled, shaking with rage.

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