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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 95
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 95 - Angel Cake Aurora POV I was sitting on a barstool at this old-fashioned diner, sipping the most scrumptious homemade vanilla milkshake t have ever had with the guys surrounding me. They bought out the entire diner for us and our mini army of escorts and everyone was enjoying a treat gove Kat got a sundae with chocolate ice cream, Charlie got a slice of tres leche cake, lason opted for an angel food cake topped with strawberries and cream, and Ben decided to get a milkshake only his was mint chocolate chip. | decided to steal a bite from each of them, Jason being first.

“Hey!” Jason exclaimed, faking being offended. “That's mine!” “Not anymore!” | smirked and then popped the large chunk of cake in my mouth. The fruity freshness exploded in my mouth and | decided to moan extra loud and do a little food dance, paying extra attention to wiggling my ass. Pretty sure | saw Jason's eyes darken with pure lust.

“I demand a kiss for your disobedience.” He said seriously | proceeded to put my finger on my chin and act like | was deeply thinking about my options. He pretty much growled makingsigh and agree in defeat. “fine.” | spun around in my seat and got off so | was standing between my chair and him. He turned his body so | could walk right in between his legs. He placed both of his hands on my hips and gave them a playtul squeeze and | smiled.

I stood up on my tippy toes and leaned forward at the sthe did. As he puckered his lips | quickly diverted my face at the last second and planted a big sloppy kiss on his cheek, releasing his face with a big pop! He scowled atand said, “That is not what | meant and you know it.” I rolled my eyes at that and then felt an instant pop on my behind and a stern look on his face. His playfulness was almost all gone as Mr. Dominant cout “I'm sorry, Master,” | said, bowing my head and looking at my feet like they were the most interesting thing in the room right at this minute.

A strong finger lifted my chin gently and | met his beautiful eyes. “Sorry for what baby girl?” He asked, smirking “Sorry for this!” | said as | grabbed a handful of the whipped cream on his plate and smacked it straight on his face, smearing it all over. | heard audible gasps before a fit of laughter erupted from Charlie, Kai, and Ben. A few of the men also chuckled.

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Jason took a moment before opening his eyes. | expected them to be full of rage, but there was only devious sparkle and | instantly tried to back up and run away. His hold on my hips not only tightened but he broughtcloser to his body. “You shouldn't have done that angel. Now you asked for it.” | tried to push him away and started yelping but the crowd only grew in cheers and laughs as Jason proceeded to wipe his face all over my face before pullingup to his lap effortlessly so | was straddling him and then finished wiping his face in the valley of my covered breasts. My protests might as well as been mute as all the men relished in my well 95 - Angel Cake deserved punishment. | ended up in a fit of giggles along with Jason who pulled away from my body, smiling brightly.

He leaned down and kissedsweetly on the lips before smacking my ass one more tand then releasing his hold. 1 quickly got off and proceeded to go to the other three, stole a bite from each of their confections, and gave them each a kiss afterward.

Kai, of course, being Kai, licked sof the cream off my face and it only made my cheeks bright red. | had been bright red most of the day actually full of embarrassment and secretly full of lust too.

A few hours earlier...

We were sitting around the circular table at Saturn. | was between Ben and Charlie with Jason sitting next to Gustus and Kai was willingly scrunched between Tyler and the other man at the table whom | learned was Gustus’ other nephew Nikolas and one of the commanders in his mafia.

As soon as we all took our seats, Kai beat Jason to the question | knew they all had. “Aurora, why didn’t you tell us you were related to the Greek-American Mafia Leader?” Tyler and | shared a look and then a laugh before Tyler answered for everyone. “We are not related. And Aurora never knew that my family was in the mafia. She was just a kid living with the foster family next door to our temporary summer home. Father had moved us to the ssuburb undercover and we ended up buying the hnext to hers. The second day we were there, | was playing ball with my brothers outside and our ball went over the fence. Only it didn’t just go over the fence...” he paused and looked atadoringly like he always did and | smiled in return.

“And that ball hitin the head. | was reading under the big tree outside, minding my own business and isolating myself because no one wanted to be aroundand | got a face full of rubber. Hurt like hell too!” | finished with another chuckle.

“So we hopped up on sempty crates in the backyard and peeked over the fence to find this scrawny little girl with her face full of rage, you could practically see steam coming out of her head. It was so cute. She took the ball and chucked it right back at us and hit my brother George in the face and knocked his ass off the crate.

She had quite the arm!” Tyler continued.

“Seems like our kitten has had a good aim for a long time” Ben muttered under his breath and | smiled wickedly.

Tyler raised an eyebrow in question and Kai quickly filled him in on my little balloon incident. Tyler and Gustus were in a fit of laughter and thus started the endless friendly banter.

We were served food and enjoyed our lunch. Well, the guys enjoyed lunch. The Tsolomytis clan was educating my mafia men on the tales of my awkward adolescence and by educating, | mean telling embarrassing stories that filled the whole room with endless belly laughs and my cheeks were a permanent red.

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Let's just say my guys learned that they were not the only victims of my pranks and would often get Tyler and his brothers into trouble even though | was the mastermind and often acted alone. But Gustus took pity onand lovedlike a daughter he never had and so thought that a girl should be spoiled and not punished, the exact opposite of his sons.

They had moved the next year and | had been devastated. But they surprisedwhen they cback for three more summers and then | was placed out of foster care and went to school in another state. | never got their numbers and we never stayed in touch.

2/3 EX073%0 95 Angel Cake | have to admit when | walked in to see them sitting at the VIP table | was shocked. It honestly was not a surprise at this point. It made sense how they always had scary men coming and going at weird hours of the night and how all the guys were good at combat. | even saw Gustus’ gun collection once.

| learned during the meeting that Tyler was going to be taking over for his father as his oldest brother Costos decided to renounce his training and join the Church. That was a big shock as | remember that Costos who was significantly older than us always had a new woman on his arm almost every other day and either a beer or a joint in the other.

When Tyler finally braved the question of how | met the guys, | was shocked just as much as Tyler and Gustus when Jason told them the truth. “We saw her one day and knew she was perfect for us. So we kidnapped her and tried to break her into submission. Tried being the point. We realized just how special and wonderful she was and so we changed for her and we are now dating properly.” Then Jason went on to tell them about the recent events with Dimitry and Gustus’ face was a mix of emotions. | thought for sure Gustus and Tyler would read them the riot act but | was once again shocked when Gustus admitted he found Tyler's mom the sway.

Then they resumed the tales of ‘little Aurora and her prankster antics’. The lunch lasted four hours and | think they did sbusiness. It certainly was a good time.

So now | am here sitting in the diner, enjoying the last of my milkshake. One of the guards handed a sealed envelope to Jason. His features screamed rage but he quickly shook it off like nothing happened. He passed the note around and the guys looked at each other like they were silently communicating but they spoke no more.

When | was done, Ben took my hand and escortedto the waiting cars and we went back home. Before | could ask what was in the envelope that had them visibly on edge, Kai spoke up as we drove through the city. “I think a punishment is in order for her little act of rebellion today, don’t you agree Charlie?” He had a devilish smile that madeinstantly hot and wet down there and my heart started to race.

“Yes, | think you are right Kai.” Charlie smiled atand | lowered my head as Ben and Jason also smirked evilly atand Ben pulled out a pair of cuffs from his pocket. “I think it needs to start now.” And next thing | know, my hands are being lifted to the handle in the ceiling and | feel the metal clink around my wrists. And there go my panties! Chapter Comments LIKE POST COMMENT NOW < SHARE