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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 89
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89 See You Soon Aurora POV Beep Beep Beep 0 97354 What is that incessant annoying sound? Can't a girl get ssleep? | squeeze my eyes soft glow of light trying to penetrate my eyeballs.

1 sleep? 1 squeeze my eyes tighter when | realize there is a Beep Beep Bcep Ugh! | try to move my hand to turn off the blaring alarm only to realize how heavy my limb feels. My head feels heavy, and a tapping pain is starting to register in my temples.

| try to move my body, but it also feels so heavy, Soreness like | just ran a marathon.

Beep Beep Beep | slowly start peeking my eyes open. It takesa few minutes to fully open them. | could feel the crust around the edges of my eyelids. | am not in my bed at home. The celling is white, the walls are white and there is a sterile smell.

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Bcep Bcep Beep | look to my left and see smachines. One machine showing my heartbeat - Beep...Beep...Beep. | notice a few more machines with tubes and wires coming down and follow them to my body. My arms are bandaged in thick white sheets, My mind is still foggy as | slowly register | am in a hospital bed. The light thankfully is not harsh on my eyes as just a lamp was turned on in the corner, and the window across the room had the curtains drawn closed.

I look to my right, and | swear my heart would have stopped if that machine wasn’t tellingit was beating.

Laying down on a cot, his head, and his face smushed in a pillow, and soft snores of a slumber whistling out of his slightly gaping mouth is Ben! The latest events flooding my mind. He was shot. | thought he was dead. | was taken. | was isolated for weeks. | was tortured. Dimitry. My father! The dead bodies. The roof. | fought back.

| couldn’t help the tears flowing freely from my face and ugly sobs started to leave my lips. Ben stirred and immediately registered the noise. One startled look atand he jumped up quickly and cover to take my bandaged hand. His free hand caressed my cheek, trying to subtly wipe away the never-ending flow of tears. His touch was sweet and gentle but my cheek felt tender as | winced in discomfort.

“Hey. Shhhh. It's okay sweetie. You're safe. You're safe. He kept whispering. A small smile on his lips. He kept repeating sweet nothings, stroking my cheek trying to keep the tears from staining my face, and kissing my hand he was tightly holding until | calmed down a bit.

| just stared at his Gees pi-ike the Toure dis CALE SO DNI AL 30 D DAL MIDLE AND 10 | PALJON unwounds of antibotin $ See You Soon got shot in the shoulder, but it wasn’t anything permanently damaging. He ditched his sling last week but is not allowed to go back to training, which makes him a sou skittle Ben had made a Tall resory Trom his attack. Luckily the bullets to his back didn’t hit his spine but was on bed rest for several weeks. Tason walked away with a few braised ribs and all had minor cuts and scrapes, Draco and Connor, their xosh, got a tow flesh wounds.

We had no casualties on our side. Twelve men had smore serious injuries such as sbullet wounds but mostly. Jost bruises and cuts. They killed over two hundred men aist captured another fifty, When | asked about Dimitry they were more hesitant to talk about it. | remembered him raising his gun, but the shot hourd was one from a drone controlled by Ben. He shot his hand before the gun could go off and then fell into the fiery burning rubble stories below.

| had lacked out from exhaustion. | hit my head on the pavement right before lason could catchin his arms.

They used the helicopter to getand sof the injured men back to the closest city for immediate medical attention.

When | was stable enough, they broughtback to the house. I'm in the medical ward. At least one of them has been withthe whale Time, never leavingalone for even a moment. Grammy was even here and visited often. She had been living in the house the last month to help take care of everyone. | was looking forward to seeing that spicy firecracker of a woman again.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The women and children at the compound were freed and over the last two weeks, the guys have been working Timelessh to locate their families and get them hsately. Those who didn’t have families or didn’t want to return hwere given stable employment opportunities and housing accommodations.

A further sweep of the Marco Compound gave them vital intel into Dimitry’s operations, both legal and illegal and recovered millions of dollars of stolen goods among other things.

The doctors cin and did their checks. | was feeling sleepy from the medications and eventually drifted off into a sweet slumber knowing | was safe.

Beson POV We watched as kamern slowly drifted oft into sleep. She was going to make a full recovery and the guys and | were just the moon jubilant that she was finally awake and going to be okay, We sat there content for a while watching her 5 [00 soundly.

A smaili Amock, on her hospital door took our attention. | headed to the door and opened it to find Draco and Connor. | smped outside the door and closed it softly. They had a look of concern on their face.

The ‘t say anything. Instead, they handeda single black and red rose that had a white ribbon bow around it. A cand was attached to it and had Aurrera’s ninscribed in calligraphy on the front. The card read “Wishing you a spen Im coming back, for wou Princess. See you soon. - DM.” Are you can kidding me? 11:44 Tue, 20 Feb ti