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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 70
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70 - Master Orgasm Four days later...

Aurora POV | was sitting in the library with Ben, wearing skimpy purple lingerie, thanks to Charlie this time, but | hid under a blanket while | was reading a Jessica Hall on my iPad.

| was given a few days off from training and had spent the last two days with Ben in the library. It had been raining like a hurricane outside, the wind was brutal against the windowpanes; you could hear it whistle as it flew by.

Ben and | spent the whole morning drinking hot chocolate and talking. | even helped him cup with a few new ideas for his next projects. Now that lunch was over, he was currently on his sketchpad at the table drawing designs while | enjoyed the storm under the plush pink blanket and was immersed in my imagination.

Ben got a little DING from his phone but I didn’t pay any attention until he cleared his throat and said “Aurora, sweety. Jason would like you to meet him in the Master Playroom.” “No00000” | whined. | was too comfortable and honestly | was a little scared. | hadn't had a private session with Jason yet and even though he is becoming a bit of a teddy bear, he still makeswish | had the superpower of invisibility.

“Now.” Ben said with authority and pointed to the door sharply. | huffed and puffed and left stomping out the door.

| took my sweet ass tgetting upstairs. Jason was standing outside the door with his arms crossed and his chiseled jaw was clenched tight in annoyance.

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| approached him cautiously. When he reached out to touch my cheek, | cowered slightly making him exhale loudly. He opened the door and | walked inside.

After shutting the door, Jason comes up behindand wraps his arms around my waist and kissessoftly on the shoulder. | was first startled but then leaned into him for a moment, trying my best to calm my breathing by using him as an anchor.

But all too soon, he lets go and took my hand, leadingto my pillow. He says the words | had literally beaten into my subconscious: “Strip and Submit!” He walked to his throne like chair and sat down, arms crossed, the stern business look on his face.

| shake my head no. I'm not ready today. | was feeling, dare | say, defiant.

He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips in anger. He certainly had no patience today. “Slave. Submit. Yourself.

NOW!” He commands, enunciating every word. It takes all my concentration to make sure my shaking knees don’t buckle under his dominance.

Seeing my distress, Jason quickly walks up toand cups my face with his big hands. “Hey. Deep breath. I'm sorry for scaring you. Today there will be no pain. Well at least not intentional.” He adds that last part under his breath, a smile creasing his face. | relax a little under his touch. He winked atbefore straightening his features back to the emotionless statue.

1/4 11:40 Tue, 20 Feb- 70 Master Orgasin “Now. It | must repeat myself again, | will strip you down and will not hesitate to give you 50 lashes with the riding crop, Charlie isn’t the only one who favors that.” | begin to tremble as I still have the black and blue marks from Charlie's favorite toy. | get a good spanking almost every single day for my “defiant attitude. What can | say, | must be a glution for punishment.

| begin to strips immediately as Jason heads back to his chair. | place my lingerie in the corner of the section on a small sitting bench and return to the middle while putting my hair in a high ponytail and then quickly kneel and “submit”.

“Good girl” I hear Jason praise as he walks around me, | noticed he had removed his shoes and is now barefoot.

He stopped in front of me. | don’t dare look up despite every nerve in my body urgingto peek. | know better than to look. | learned that lesson the hand way. | have a good feeling that he also removed his shirt, they all do when they Today | am going to push your endurance. What is your sale word?” He asks.

“Lavender,” | whisper.

| hear an angry grunt and a strong hand grabs my hair tugging my head sharply back. | look up and see Jason with venom is his eyes and the grip on my head tightening. | wince in pain.

“Ty again he grits out between his teeth, and | realize what | did wrong. Whoops, “Lavender... Master’ 1 squeak out and he lets go of my hair sharply.

“Hmmm good gil,” he praises me, and my core already leaked a little. He then snapped his fingers and | stood.

“On the bed, face up.” He onders and | comply. | lay down in the middle on the soft cloud like bed and stare at my reflection in the mirror above the bed. | notice my legs and hips and arms have plenty of red marks from the countless lowe bites these men enjoy putting on my body, Jason placest my hands and feet in the restraints on bed, making my body into an X shape. He leaves the bed and goes to a few cabinets before returning with multiple things in his hands.

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He crawls on the bed next toand then | see blackness. A blindfold was placed over my eyes. | feel his hand caress my check, then my neck. Slowly a finger traces down my chest and begins to trace patterns around my left breast.

Ifeelas a sharp pinch and pull of my left nipple and then a few equal tugs on my right nipple. A few playful touches back and forth and Larch my back trying to push my girls more into his hands. Both nipples are becoming instantly perky and needy for more attention. I tried to stifle a moan but he just slapped my breast and toldnever to hide my noises.

My left nipple was then pinched tightly and then my right. | felt a cool metal chain across my breasts. The ache in my nipples never went away. A small tug on the chain only heightened the sensitive pebbles, | then felt a finger make its way down my stomach and headed towards the now super hot wetness | feel between my legs. The finger starts to touch my lower lips and teases me, never touching where | need it the most.

| begin to whimper in protest and try to buck my hips to get that torturous finger to go where | want it.

2/4 70-Master Ongarbi Word be a tant sap on my inner thigh.

| am beyond fewer wit this teasing Trails one free finem was herveni up and doval coating my fures a Fuck Princess. So we already he says ville adding a ne mesure to my frothing cit and makingmoan again.

She then sudden saga alger and cains, in tropie sending small puses of Fud Leute it out was slight painful but as real fucking hat es body was on fire. That curse though medanother hand san on inner thigh and the viewed in frequency and pressure on my homies starting 10 teginen imenter. Day inside i store vibration can be heard and then a subting sensation on my din set my body ablaze. It was like eve ending was about to explode inside of| moaned and proated and couldnt help but love the feeling | was getting Why core stamed figner and | began “Ugh | whimpered out. What the fuck? | thought to me. | was so frustrated and | didn’t realize | was crying will 1 feh the blindfoit dampen against my che | heard a dark chuckle and the vibrations stared again and the feeling of explosion cback tenfold fast when | am about to release the pressure building inside ofit stops apa in apais A | can’t help screaming out & starp slap on my inner thigh stung hanhh. You get who inner thigh stung harsh. You get what you get, and you don’t get uplason scolded. | can’t help but feel even more frusted. Then the vitations started again when | had The process of starting and stopping happened nine more times. NINE FUCKING times! That pretentious asshole.

| am tocally going to tease him like this one day and he will know what is like! was an absolute mess, begging him groveling without remorse. | was just about to use myse finally release on his command. | when he let But the then he staredmore by continuing the vibrations on my sensitive swollen dit makingorgasm another four times without any kind of besar. | was beyond exhauned and on the verge of passing out when he Enally stopped.

| was a mess physically and emotionally. Stent tears continued to escape my eyes and dampened the blindfold on my face. “Stay withprincess. You are doing such a great job!” He praised me.

| then fell the cold sensation of lube and his meaty fingers around my forbidden hole and slowly put a butt plug inside. It hurt a tad bit as | was being stretched, but it was still oddly satisfying. | tensed up at the first intrusion but a passionate kiss from Jason distractedenough where he was able to shove it inside my tight sphincter. | was instructed to leave the plugin until someone removed it He moved the clamps on my nipples and applied healing cold cream. My hands and wrists were next. | vaguely 3/4 70 Master Orgasm remember the blindfold being removed, lots of Visses caressing my son and praising words twe whispered in my ears. A warm wet washdoth was then placed in between my legs, dentingup and then was into dressed up in Jason’s shirt. My body was then covered by soft sheets and | sougged in the breathe at my Master as blackness consumed my body and soul in a darkness of bliss and peace.