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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chatper 1966
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Danielle’s lips clamped shut, the fingers entwined with Patty’s tightened suddenly.

Patty winced slightly, her brow furrowed as she watched Seth carry Cicely towards the

interior of the room, disappearing into the throng of people.

Her frown deepened.

She wasn’t oblivious to the closeness that had developed between Seth and Cicely over

the past couple of years. When she had chosen to leave, she had trusted in Seth’s nature

—his likelihood of getting entangled with a girl was slim to none.

With his keen intelligence, almost to the point of world-weariness, how could he possibly

be ensnared by emotions?

Besides, even if Seth was to be with someone, it surely couldn’t be someone like Cicely—

well-known for her haughtiness, arrogance, and caprice.d2

After all, she knew her son. How much patience could he possibly have? And how much

patience could he have for a woman?

Sure, he’d have women, but in her mind, his future wife would be someone like Danielle,

quiet, docile, standing by his side. Someone who adored him, therefore utterly compliant,

carefully remaining by his side, the epitome of domestic bliss.

But Cicely? Always wanting too much, she had a possessiveness that demanded to be


Petulant, proud, pampered… If she were a character in a soap opera, her role would be the

haughty and malicious heiress, unreasonably domineering, shamelessly persistent.

All her actions were unlikeable; she was the quintessential villain, universally despised.

Such a girl, so unabashedly bad, so obviously clingy, how could Seth possibly invite such

trouble upon himself?

She had left to give time its due, believing time would gradually make Seth realize that a

girl like Cicely was entirely unsuitable for him, but now, it seemed her hopes had been


No wonder Danielle had repeatedly suggested she return home. The photograph had

indeed shocked her.

She pursed her lips, turning to look at Danielle whose face had paled, and offered a

strained smile. “Did you ever fight for it?”

Danielle paused, turning to her with a blank expression.

“If you don’t even fight for it, how can you expect others to fall into your lap?”

Danielle’s eyes flickered, then she smiled bitterly and shook her head. He didn’t even give

her the chance to fight for him, so what right did she have to try?

Patty’s lips twisted, and she walked towards the interior of the room. “The thing is, Cicely

sees things more clearly than anyone else, understands her own strengths, and leverages

them well. The majority speaks ill of her behind her back, she possesses all the vices of a

spoiled rich girl, and she seemed like the very person who seems least deserving of love.

Still, she has everything others only dream of.”

Danielle couldn’t tell if it was her imagination, but she thought she detected a heavy dose

of sarcasm and chill in Patty’s trailing voice.

As they stepped through the door, Patty’s face lit up with a gracious smile. Danielle looked

at her, slightly dazed.

Patty turned to her, her smile as gentle and harmless as ever. “Even she knows what it

means to fight for what she wants. What are you hesitating for?”

“But…” Danielle murmured as they blended into the crowd, “Seth probably won’t love


Patty suddenly laughed out loud, stopping in her tracks and turning to face her. The smile

on her face sent a chill through Danielle. “Love? Do you think Seth could love Cicely? Or

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anyone, for that matter?”

Patty raised her hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Danielle’s ear, gently caressing

her head as she spoke in a tender whisper, “Sweetheart, it’s enough that you love him.

Being with the one you love makes you the winner in life. You’ve got your heart’s desire,

isn’t that enough? Learn to be content and not ask for too much.”

Danielle was taken aback, yet deep down she agreed. Indeed, to be with the one you love

was enough.

“Do you understand?” Patty withdrew her hand, her smile inquiring.

Danielle nodded, but then hesitated once more, “I don’t expect him to love me, but right

now, it feels like he despises me.”

How to begin to fight for it?

Creighton emerged from the side elevator, followed by a procession of well-dressed men.

Noticing Patty, he nodded in her direction.

Patty watched him, her smile casual as she observed him walk to the other side of the

room, her lips parting to say, “There are so many kinds of relationships. It’s not just

romantic love that brings people together.”

Danielle’s brow furrowed in confusion, and she fell silent, pondering.

Seth carried Cicely directly into the elevator, her arms wrapped around his neck, her face

buried in his chest. The pain from her feet was sharp, and though her face was pale, the

joy was unmistakable.

“Which room is it?” The elevator promptly stopped on the third floor, and Seth stepped out

with her in his arms, glancing down to ask.

“The one on the far right.”

Seth turned right.

Luckily, Cicely’s room was spacious yet unassuming. Considering the grandeur of the

villa’s exterior, Seth wouldn’t have been surprised if Creighton had designed her a

princess suite, but Cicely wasn’t one for such flamboyant tastes.

Seth bent down and placed her on the soft sofa. The lights in the room had already come


Cicely slid her arm down from his shoulder, staring at Seth in his expensive and well-fitted

suit. He bent down, squatting in front of her, with a handsome and gentle face so close

that she felt a bit dazed for a moment.

There was no excessive emotion on his face, but the sight of him kneeling before her,

removing her shoes with such care, pleased her greatly. She may not have seen his

concern in his expression, but she wasn’t foolish. Interpreting his worry through his actions

was a delight.

The pampered heiress was confident in her own worth. Her feet were delicate and lovely.

Even her toes were perfectly shaped.

Across the arch of her foot ran a faint red mark, the impression left by the edge of her high

heels. On the back of her heel, the skin was more severely abraded, a bit swollen.

Both feet bore these marks.

Seth’s brow creased slightly, and he looked up at her with a cool gaze.

Cicely’s face was still pale, and the thin sheen of sweat had yet to subside. Such an injury

might be trivial to others, perhaps painful, but not as if half their blood had been drawn.

Seth’s gaze was anything but friendly as he stared at Cicely, who pursed her lips in a hurt,

pitiful expression. “Ouch.”

His already tight lips tensed further, his eyes falling upon her swollen ankle, his defined

fingers gently tracing around the inflamed area.

“My ankle’s sore too.” Cicely lowered her voice, a soft, plaintive tone slipping through her


Seth remained silent.

“It’s your fault, I told you I didn’t want to…”

His hand paused momentarily before resuming its circular massage of her foot. “You could

have told me this earlier.”

Cicely’s lips curled slightly. “Only you, Seth. I wouldn’t have bent over backward for Dad

like this. Sure, I’m uncomfortable right now, but I’m happy. You might’ve put me through a

lot, but if you sweeten the deal afterward, like you are doing now, I’ll be thrilled. And of

course, that’s something only you can do. I’m not short of affection, but only yours is the


She never lacked for affection; it was Seth’s affection she craved. She lacked for nothing—

except for Seth himself.

Hearing Cicely’s heartfelt confession, Seth didn’t speak for a long time, just continued to

massage her other foot. “Put your feet up.” It took a while before he spoke.

Cicely scooted back on the couch, lifting her feet onto the cushions.

Seth stood up, and just then there was a knock at the door. He turned to answer it,

returning with a first aid kit in hand. He applied antiseptic to her ankle, then secured two

band-aids over the tender spots.

After closing the kit, Cicely had already wrapped her arms around his. “Are you leaving?”

Seth sat down beside her, looking into her eyes, “What else?”

“You didn’t plan any other gifts for me today?”

A smirk crossed Seth’s lips as he surveyed her now rosier cheeks, “Didn’t you say you’ve

already received the best coming-of-age gift?”

“That was something I asked for. There’s a difference when it’s given.”

“I didn’t bring any gifts.”

Cicely stared, biting her lip, her bright face slowly growing frustrated. With a pout, she

glared, “You come to my coming-of-age party empty-handed, and you really didn’t bother

with a gift, you… you okay with that?”

Seth’s brows arched subtly, “What could you possibly need that you don’t have?”

Now genuinely upset, Cicely’s chest swelled with indignation, “If I lacked nothing, would

you never give me a gift? I made it so obvious. Did you not hear or understand? It’s a

coming-of-age party, Seth. I’m eighteen, stepping into a new phase of life. On such a

significant day, you show no gesture, while even the insincere crowd downstairs at least

pretends to care, you—mmph…”

Her rant about his lack of romance was cut short by an unexpected kiss. Her eyes

widened, taken aback by his sudden closeness, her mind briefly foggy.

He kissed her fiercely, and Cicely found herself leaning back into the couch, Seth pressing

down on her, sinking into the plush cushions.

It was a kiss that stormed the ramparts, and she was enveloped in his scent, tinged with

the faint aroma of wine. Clutching at the lapels of Seth’s suit jacket, she tilted her head

back, her lips parting instinctively, allowing him to explore at will.

Their breaths mingled, chaotic and heated, the warmth spreading like flames on skin.

From initial confusion to a whirlwind of sensations, Cicely was lost in the fog. The kiss was

long and deep. Not until her breaths grew ragged and her cheeks flushed did Seth release


Cicely leaned against the couch, fingers still gripping his suit, her face aflame, breathing in

small gasps.

Her lips, now redder and slightly parted, revealed a hint of her pink tongue. Seth’s eyes

were dark and intense, eventually settling on hers. Her dazed look was almost comical.

He smiled faintly, his fingers brushing her soft cheek, then lifted her chin, his nose nearly

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touching hers. His breath brushed her face as he spoke, his voice low and rough, “Are you

satisfied with your gift, hmm?”

Cicely blinked out of her stupor, “So, was this your plan from the start?”

Seth’s smile widened, his touch lingering on her smooth skin, “Not at all.”

Disappointed yet quickly mollifying, she responded, “It’ll do.”

Seth found an answer in her response, his gaze sweeping her face, his grip on her chin

tightening. “Stop wearing high heels, okay?”

“Is that a demand? I might agree, but I’d like to see what you’d give in exchange.”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he leaned in, not to kiss, but to bite her lip sharply. “You

can keep trying, but next time, don’t come crying to me. I don’t have the patience for your

pointless drama. This is a lesson. Next time…”

Seth could see the mischief in Cicely’s eyes, and he smirked, “Next time, you might as

well not have feet.”

Her eyes dimmed instantly.

Seeing her reaction, Seth let her go and stood up. “Don’t show your face until your foot is

fully healed.”

He left the room with that icy statement. Her earlier scheming was all too clear. If she tried

to defy him, he had ways to ensure compliance.

Cicely hadn’t taken Seth’s initial threats to heart. He wouldn’t dare harm her. However, his

follow-up was unexpected. Banning her from his presence was indeed a lesson she

wouldn’t forget.

As the party downstairs neared its end, Seth was surprised to see Patty. She was chatting

with Creighton, and upon seeing Seth, smiled as usual. “Where have you been?”

Seth didn’t answer, glancing instead at Danielle standing next to Patty, “You didn’t tell me

you were back.”

“I knew you were busy with school and the company, didn’t want to bother you. Besides,

having Danielle by my side is surely more attentive than you could be.”

Seth cast a brief look at Danielle.

Danielle’s heart skipped a beat, her palms suddenly clammy with nervous sweat. In front

of Seth, she felt as transparent as glass, every thought and emotion seemingly laid bare

for his perceptive eyes to dissect. Keeping Patty’s return a secret was wrong, and she

knew it.

Creighton stood to the side, his gazes carrying a depth that was chillingly obscure, a frosty

edge to his demeanor. Patty’s words seemed pointed, aimed at Seth but carrying a

message for everyone.

“Seth, how’s Cicely doing?”

“Her heel’s blistered, but she’s been treated. She’ll be fine in a few days.”

Creighton nodded, a tinge of regret in his voice. “I guess I was too eager. It was her big

debutante ball, and she ended up getting hurt.”

“Sorry, my bad.”

Seth’s response offered Creighton a sliver of comfort, though he sighed softly, “Cicely

hates pain.”

The image of Cicely’s pale, aggrieved face flashed in Seth’s mind, and he pursed his lips.

“Yes.” That single word spoke volumes of Seth’s understanding of Cicely. She had a low

threshold for pain, and he was all too aware of it.

“Now that you’re Cicely’s boyfriend, you’ve got to keep her safe. No big injuries. Well, no

small ones as well. She’s delicate, so take good care of her.”

Danielle, overhearing Creighton’s words, suddenly turned pale. Her eyes shot towards

Seth, disbelief written all over her face.


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!